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Atlanta Pen & Ink Skyline Drawing Of Downtown #018Z

Atlanta pen & ink skyline drawing of downtown

This article is about Atlanta skyline #018Z pen & ink skyline drawing of downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This drawing is my single best selling drawing of all time. Thank you Atlanta! This article is about my pen & ink drawing of downtown Atlanta, Georgia. Prints & Scans Of This Pen & Ink Skyline Of Atlanta ~ #595Z ~ Order Here.

Pen & Ink Skyline Drawing Key Points:

  1. Select a good site that offers a premium vista and perspective.
  2. Have all of your art supplies ready and on hand.
  3. Study the contour of the structures to grasp the delineation of the drawing.

When you are working with pen & ink you have to always keep in mind that you are working with a high contract substance which allows for great diversity in detailing due to the power of the line. But it is also good to keep in mind that ink is very unforgiving and so you much very accurately place your lines so that they do not muddle the drawing.

In the drawing I have take to full pleasure of the pen and I let the ink flow gently over the paper. I have made it a point not to be rigid and “Architectural” in my rendering but rather open and free to form but keeping the definition of the skyscrapers intact.

It is a fine thing to draw a skyline anyway that you like, however, if you want to yield a fine artistic rendering that bears your style then you much be true to the forms of the buildings that are before you otherwise you have a subjective abstraction.

Pen & Inks Of Atlanta Skyline Link:

Pen & Inks Of Atlanta Skyline

Related Links

Atlanta skyline pen & ink, Atlanta skyline pen & ink,

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

Atlanta pen & ink skyline drawing of downtown
Pen & ink drawing of downtown Atlanta skyline by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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Atlanta Skyline Pen & Ink Drawing Of Downtown #017Z

Atlanta skyline #822A pen & ink black line drawing is popular because of it's view of downtown.

This article is about Atlanta skyline #017Z pen & ink drawing of downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about my pen & ink skyline drawing of downtown Atlanta, Georgia.

Skyline Pen & Ink Drawing Key Points:

  1. Have all of your art supplies ready and on hand.
  2. Choose a spot that has a clear view of the subject.
  3. Study carefully the contour of the structures.

This handsome drawing of Atlanta is a solid rendering of this great city. I have chosen to focus on the delineation of the skyscrapers rather than do an overall cityscape. Thus, I have no clouds, people, traffic, or construction anywhere in the drawing, enabling me to focus on the structures. I have drawn them in a such a manner so as to suggest a friendly gather of colleague instead of a random cluster of office buildings.

You will notice as you look closely at the rendering that my line work is loose and fresh giving a warmth to the drawing. I clearly do not want to do any kind of architectural rendering or illustration, which smacks of commercial values, rather my focus is on the joy of the line!

Pen & Inks Of Atlanta Skyline Link:

Pen & Inks Of Atlanta Skyline

Related Links

Atlanta skyline pen & ink drawing,

Atlanta Skyline Art ~ 6/16/2018#159Z

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Atlanta Skyline Drawings Of Downtown At Night #016Z

Atlanta skyline #820A pencil cityscape drawing is popular because of it's view of downtown at night.

This article is about Atlanta skyline #016Z drawing of downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about my pencil drawing of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, at night.

Skyline Drawings Of Downtown Atlanta At Night #820. To do this I highly recommend the following:

  1. A good chair to sit and take in the evening lights to get the form of the buildings.
  2. Have all of your materials at hand.
  3. Study the lighting careful as it is the guide to delineating the skyscraper contours.

As you can see from the drawing the evening sky forms the backdrop of this drawing. Yet, it is not a flat dark space, rather, it very much has a lot of light from the city being reflected through it. This is captured through the use of crosshatching the pencil line. Cross hatching is an excellent way to attain light because it keep paper space between the stroke allowing for the white of the paper to show through as your light source.

Having a good and solid grasp of the figures of the foreground buildings ads to the over all high quality of the drawing. Remember, you want your drawings to express you and what you are, not a copy-paste or worse yet a photograph. Drawing is meant to express you!

Atlanta Skyline Art Link Is Below:

Skyline Art Of Atlanta

Atlanta Skyline Drawings Links Are Below:

815, 819, 820, 818, 804

Atlanta Skyline Pen & Inks ~ 6/17/2018#161Z

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Atlanta Skyline #015Z

Atlanta skyline #819A pencil cityscape drawing is popular because of it's view of downtown.

This article is about Atlanta Skyline #015Z drawing of downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about my drawing of the downtown Atlanta, Georgia, skyline that I use for making prints. Prints & Scans Of This Atlanta Skyline Drawing #015Z ~ Order Here.

  1. Have all of your supplies on hand.
  2. Have a perspective point of the site.
  3. Keep firm control of the contour lines that outline the structures.

Atlanta will always hold a deep place in my heart. When I do drawings of here it is as though I hear her calling to me. I have the same feelings with I think of Japan, as I had served there when I was a young man.

This drawing has all the characteristics of a pen & ink drawing, that is, it has full body of line that firmly convey the buildings and the city block that they rest on. The scene does not look chaotic or crowded.

Atlanta Skyline Art Link Is Below:

Skyline Art Of Atlanta

Atlanta Skyline Pen & Inks ~ 6/17/2018#161Z

Atlanta Skyline Drawings Links Are Below:

815, 819, 820, 818, 804

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Atlanta Skyline Drawing Of Midtown At Piedmont Park #014Z

Atlanta skyline #818A pencil cityscape drawing with views of Piedmont Park.

This article is about Atlanta Skyline #014Z drawing of midtown at Piedmont Park, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about my drawing of the midtown Atlanta, Georgia, skyline at Piedmont Park. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #014Z ~ Order Here.

Atlanta Skyline Drawing Of Midtown At Piedmont Park #818. Key elements to this work of art are as follows.

  1. A firm grasp of you perspective with a solid knowledge of your horizon line.
  2. Possess supplies at hand ready for focused detailing.
  3. Have and good understanding of architecture and structural detailing.

This drawings shows the midtown portion of Atlanta at Piedmont Park. We are just by Lake Clara Meer but it cannot be seen in this rendering of the city.

The most complicated element of the drawing was the sloping landscape, this is because I had to draw the scene very accurately so as to keep the skyscrapers in the background look upright and straight, not as though they were sloped or off alignment. The drawing is a success! I am very please in how I captured the gentle slope down to Lake Clara Meer. I used soft horizontal strokes on the lawn the gentle let your eye move downward.

Atlanta Skyline Art Link Is Below:

Skyline Art Of Atlanta

Atlanta Skyline Watercolors ~ 6/17/2018#162Z

Atlanta Skyline Drawings Links Are Below:

815, 819, 820, 818, 804

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Atlanta Skyline Drawing Of Downtown At Night #013Z

Atlanta skyline #815A pencil cityscape drawing of downtown at night.

This article is about Atlanta Skyline #013Z drawing of downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about my Atlanta skyline drawing at night.

Atlanta Skyline Drawing Of Downtown At Night #815. When drawing such a theme it is wise to observe the following:

  1. Clear understand the line differentiation between the evening sky and the structures below.
  2. Have a clear grasp of the perspective, since it is dark and you need to understand the position of the structures to each other.
  3. Have all of your supplies on hand.

This drawing of downtown Atlanta, Georgia, has always been pleasing to me. It is one of those drawings where everything goes just right. The tone of the shadows of the evening sky gently compliments the contour lines of the buildings. When shadowing the sky, care must be taken as not to darken the sky too much especially near the edge of the building, because once you darken you cannot take back the strokes.

Always keep delineation in mind and you draw the contour otherwise you will make the skyline look flat. Shade and shadows are crucial in any skyline drawing due to the fact that perspective is never utilized.

Atlanta Skyline Art Link Is Below:

Skyline Art Of Atlanta

Chicago Skyline Drawings ~ 6/19/2018#169Z

Atlanta Skyline Drawings Links Are Below:

815, 819, 820, 818, 804

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Atlanta Skyline Drawing Of Piedmont Park #012Z

Atlanta skyline #804A pencil cityscape drawing is popular because of the views of Lake Clara Meer.

This article is about Atlanta skyline #012Z drawing of Lake Clara Meer is about my pencil drawing of Midtown Atlanta, Georgia, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans.

Skyline Drawing Of Piedmont Park Points

  1. Have all art supplies ready at hand.
  2. Choose a segment of the cityscape that you like and focus on it.
  3. Be alert to any obstacles that will affect the rendering.

Atlanta has always been one of my favorite cities because she is beautiful and has so much to offer. In this view I have chose the midtown view at Piedmont Park overlooking Lake Cara Meer.

Pencil unlike pen & ink always the artist to give a full range of tone to the drawing by using subtle degrees of shade and shadow to make the image. This is what I have done in this drawing. To the right side of the main boathouse you can see a smaller structure with a hip roof to the right. I have darken gradually the eaves and sides of the building so as to differentiate it from the trees. In the same manner I have shaded the central block of the main building to give it a sense of presence in the drawing.

The towering skyscrapers in the background make a wonderful support to this fine cityscape drawing.

Atlanta Skyline Art Link Is Below:

Skyline Art Of Atlanta

Atlanta Skyline Drawings Links Are Below:

815, 819, 820, 818, 804

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Atlanta Skyline Oil Painting Of Downtown At Night #011Z

Atlanta skyline oil #2878A cityscape painting of downtown at nighttime with crimson sky.

This article is about Atlanta skyline #011Z oil night downtown, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about my oil painting of the skyline of Atlanta, Georgia.

Skyline Oil Painting Of Downtown Key Points:

  1. Deep rich red night sky.
  2. Glowing yellow lights.
  3. Deep maroon foreground.

Since most all cityscapes and skyline are flat by nature I employed the above elements to give a three dimensional look to the painting. As you can see this use of the above elements really works. Lighting is the key to success in the painting for it beautifully weaves it’s way through both the darker tones in the foreground and the night sky above. The light seamlessly weave itself into the fabric of the painting. Atlanta, Georgia, is often referred to the as the “Manhattan of the south”.

Atlanta Skyline Oils Link:

Atlanta Skyline Art

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Manhattan Skyline Watercolors #009Z

Lower Manhattan skyline #581A pen & ink cityscape watercolor with it's reflection in the water.

This article is about Manhattan skyline #009Z watercolors, which are for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is about Manhattan Island which I have created watercolors of for making prints.

Manhattan Skyline Watercolors. Key elements of this work of the Manhattan skyline are as follow:

  1. Make sure the lighting of the day is not overcast.
  2. Clear all obstacles and elements that may obstruct your view.
  3. Use a good angle for setting up your perspective so as to incorporate all of the building proportionately.

Watercolors and prints of Manhattan impressionist skylines from Central Park at sunset.
Watercolor of Manhattan skyline from Central Park at sunset.

Manhattan Skyline Watercolors. No other city in the world can boast of the skyline that Manhattan Island has. The invention of the sky scraper started here (many will argue that the Home Insurance building in Chicago was the first but that is speculative) and it continues to grow.

Manhattan Skyline Watercolors. Key elements of this work of art are as follows.

With the invention of the elevator in the 19th century and in conjunction with modern construction. New architectural construction methods the path was paved for the development of the modern skyscraper. It makes sense that Manhattan Island was the first to really take hold of these giant towers because it was the largest city in the country. Already businesses had set their wheels in motion on Manhattan so it made perfect sense to stay there. All of the banking firms and of course the New York Stock Exchange made Manhattan a destination for business. So with the growth of business and a small plot of land Manhattan was destine to grow tall.

Manhattan Island’s skyscrapers are clustered in two regions, the first at the bottom or downtown in the financial district. This is where the World Trade Center was located along with many banks and insurance companies. Further north on the island is Midtown Manhattan. This is where there is another cluster of buildings (the most notable being the Empire State Building) which is close to Central Park, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and the Chrysler Building being the most famous buildings of the group.

Manhattan skyscrapers

With the advent of the skyscraper the city took on a new look and could be seen from miles away. The skyline of Manhattan is distinctive because of its thick cluster of tall office buildings. Being located off of the Long Island Sound gives Manhattan a wonderful setting for artist to do drawings and paintings of this great city. Many artist have made prints so that they could reproduce them for tourists and also make stationary or note cards. The works of many New York artists can easily be seen with a simple Google search of Manhattan prints. The wonderful thing about the Manhattan skyline is that there are so many angles that you can paint from. Very popular are views from Central Park looking down the tree-lined path to the skyscrapers rising above. Manhattan is truly a destination for artist to make watercolors and prints of their great city.

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA

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Chicago Skyline Paintings And Prints #003Z

Chicago skyline #627A pen & ink cityscape watercolor with the sunset reflecting on the waters of Lake Michigan.

This article is about Chicago Skyline #003Z, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. Chicago has one of the most spectacular skyline in the world. The lakefront of Lake Michigan makes for a wonderful entry to this city famous the world over for it’s architecture.

Chicago Skyline Paintings And Prints. Key elements of this work of art are as follows.

  • Architecture
  • Color
  • Light

The Chicago skyline is something of a miracle that rose out of the ashes of the Great Chicago Fire in 1871. It is my interest, as an artist, to do paintings, watercolors, and prints of this great American city.

When doing a painting or drawing of any cityscape or skyline, keep the follow points in mind:

  1. Distance of subject.
  2. Lighting.
  3. Sufficient detail.

In this horrific event the entire center city was burn to the ground and hundreds of people were killed. The fire is one of the greatest tragedies of American History. However, with the vision of men like Potter Palmer and Marshall Field the city grew. Chicago was able to take up its vision of being a great metropolis and moved forward to build what was at the time the most modern city in the world.

Art Institute of Chicago:

Across Michigan Avenue on the east side is the world-famous Art Institute of Chicago home to some of the most famous paintings in the world. I the collection the internationally celebrated “American Gothic” by Grant Wood. The Art Institute is the only permanent building permitted to be on the east side of Michigan Avenue.

Chicago Skyline Watercolors Link

Chicago skyline watercolors

Related Links

Chicago skyline watercolor sunset paintings, Chicago skyline at sunset, Chicago skyline watercolor painting at sunset,

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA