Atlanta skyline pen & ink cityscape drawing of Midtown in Piedmont Park by Lake Clara Meer, and prints come in large, matted, and framed.
Atlanta skyline #863A pen & ink cityscape drawing, which is for sale here. Discount offered on prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA, SAIC. Condren Galleries is a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans.
Key elements to this work of art are as follows:
Piedmont Park
In this pen & ink drawing of the Atlanta, Georgia, skyline I have chosen a sepia colored ink rather than black or red. My focus on the drawing at this time is on the landscape rather than the structures. To be sure the buildings are well defined and recognizable but my attention to detail is in the landscape of Piedmont Park and specifically Lake Clara Meer.
The emphasis as you can see by looking at the drawing are the trees, I have gone in to fine detail in delineating their image without overdoing the cross-hatching. It is easy to get carried away once you start in on the hatching and then when you look up you see that you have done too much! So as I have drawn and hatched the image I did it very carefully and watched as the ink covered the service so as not to put down too much of it.
Water Reflection
I am very pleased with the result especially in the reflection of the trees on the water. One has to carefully execute any kind of water reflections due to the movement of the water. On the one hand you want to convey the reflecting as such and not the actual image but on the other hand you need to convey the movement of the water, which can lead to distortion and defeat the purpose of the drawing, or at least that section of it.
Bad Apple
Like most works of art one should not through out the baby with the bath water, for if one portion of the piece is not successful that does not mean other parts are not. However, like a bad apple in the barrel it only takes a small portion to ruin the whole. When this happens it is imperative not to destroy the work but rather save it and use it to learn from for we learn from our mistakes.
Cross Hatching
I have put just a suggestion of some stratus clouds in the sky with a few pen strokes for I did not want to disrupt the images of the structures with competing lines. All in all the pen strokes have been quick and clean with no over working or extensive cross-hatching in certain sections thus leaving an even distribution of shadow an tone throughout the work of art.
Related Links
Atlanta Skyline Drawings, Atlanta skyline, 815, 819, 820, 818, 804, 2878, 858, 863, 825, 826, 822, 859, 823, 857, 860, 824, 868, 848, 865, 867, 866, Atlanta skyline pen & inks,Â

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