News and events that have impact locally by artist and architectural illustrator, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with JPEG & PDF scan and prints of News #015Q.
Holiday Party, Sponsored By The Lake County Housing Authority
Today at Beach Haven Towers in Round Lake Beach, the Lake County Housing Authority held it’s annual Senior Feast to celebrate the Holidays. The event was supposed to be held at State Bank of the Lakes, however, due to an elevator mal-function the event was moved to Beach Haven Towers in Round Lake Beach.
A miraculous undertaking in just over an hour, the Administration took up the challenge of making sure that the event was held, and on time. So under the leadership of Lorraine Hocker, and Aaron Broeski, plans were adjusted, and all of the food, and complimenting elements were quickly, and carefully taken to Beach Haven Towers.
All of the guests came to the party on time, and we all celebrated the Holidays together with good cheer. Thank you Lake County Housing Authority!
1. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.2. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.3. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.4. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.5. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.6. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.7. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.8. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.9. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.10. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.11. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.12. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.13. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.14. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.15. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.16. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.17. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.18. Lake County Housing Authority’s Senior Feast, 2019.
Meta Description
Senior Feast #615Z or Holiday Party sponsored by the Lake County Housing Authority Holiday Party by artist Stephen F. Condren with prints, and scans.
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Senior Feast #615Z or Holiday Party sponsored by the Lake County Housing Authority by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Veterans Breakfast #600Z ~ Congressman Brad Schneider hosted a Veterans Breakfast or patriot breakfast, honoring Veterans Day by artist Stephen F. Condren, of CondrenGalleries. A breakfast honoring Veterans with good food, camaraderie, a special guest speakers from the Community, Education, and Armed Forces of the United States of America.
This morning Congressman Brad Schneider honored Veterans with a gracious breakfast at the College of Lake County, in Grayslake, Illinois, because he respects, and honors Veterans. On this cold November day there was a record turn-out to this Veterans Day event, because the cold will not stop us. The police stopped in to bring to our attention that the Grayslake water main had broken cutting of the fresh water supply, because of the cold. However, the College of Lake County made provisions, and all was well taken care of.
Congressman Schneider was accompanied by is staff, including Karyn D. Davidman, and Greg Claus, because they work hard to make sure all the details are carried out.
All in all it was a most honorable, and respectable event. Thank you Congressman Brad Schneider!
Below are photos of the event show the good time that people had, because there was patriotism, and good food.
The National Anthem
1, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
2, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
3, Congressman Brad Schneider and Karyn Davidman.
4, Richard Anderson, College of Lake County Board of Trustees.
Captain Ray Leung, Naval Station Great Lakes.
6, Joe Bochantin, Veteran Student Services Coordinator at the College of Lake County.
7, Andrew Tangen, Superintendent of Veterans Assistance Commission.
8, Hughes Turner, Commander of Chicago Veterans Affairs.
9, Commander Josephine Nguyen, Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.
10, Patrick Cornet, Veterans Service Officer, Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs.
11, Congressman Brad Schneider and Stephen F. Condren.
12, Stephen F. Condren & Robert Kokaska.
13, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
Special Thanks
14, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
15, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
16, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.17, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
18, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
19, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
Presentation Of Colors
20, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
21, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
22, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
Retiring The Colors
23, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
24, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
25, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
26, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
27, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
Veterans Day Message
28, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
29, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
30, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
31, Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
Our Nation’s Flag
33, Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast, College of Lake County, November 8, 2019.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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Congressman Brad Schneider’s Veterans Breakfast #600Z or patriot breakfast, the image of the program of events by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Hillary Clinton #416Z, pen & ink drawing, and pencil portrait, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries. First Lady of the United States, and Secretary of State.
Hillary R. Clinton was the First Lady of the United States, because her Husband was the President. As First Lady she opened the doors of the White House because she wanted all people to share in public voice. Because of her outstanding achievements Hillary has become one of the most sought after people in the United States. Hillary has been a champion of Women’s Rights because she is a woman. Hillary Clinton is a champion of Human Rights, because she wants to end oppression.
Secretary Of State
President Barack Obama appointed Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Secretary of States because she was a woman, and needed a female in public office. Hillary was the first female to hold this high office. Recently she was on television with her daughter Chelsea and talked about her marriage. Hillary said that staying married to her husband was the gutsiest thing that she ever did, because she wanted to keep her family together.
Pen & Ink Drawing OF Name #416Z
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Hillary Clinton #416Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Better Business Bureau Complaint Free Award letter. BBB 2020
Good Business Practice
At the mid-point of every year the Better Business Bureau sends out to it’s member businesses the Complaint Free Award, based on the previous year’s good business practice. The award is given in the middle of the year, so business can promote the practice. Once all the data has been gathered and sorted the Better Business Bureau sends out the award to complying member companies. I advertise my award, so as to get more business. The Complaint Free Award is good, because people trust those who have it. I have made it a practice to ask clients for reviews, so as to build better trust in my business. Many people have written reviews, because they like my service.
Trust is the foundation of good business practice, because it builds up your reputation.
The most important thing about the Better Business Bureau is that it is a reputable company. When you work with the BBB, you will always be welcomed. All business trust the Better Business Bureau because it is honest. I have joint the BBB because it is good for business. The BBB is strong because it works all over the country. Because the BBB has a good history of giving advice, it follows good educational practices. The BBB work with many Colleges, and Universities, to help educate new students. The best practice is to be hones, because people will come to you.
This article is about a private, racist, consortium that has been illegally formed on May 24, 2019, by David Kalk, and publicly announced with the official Consortium Notice #316Z, in the Hawley Manor Garden, on Lake County Housing Authority property, located in Grayslake, Illinois, which is a HUD property. This is article is written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery.
The members of Consortium or “clique” that David Kalk has chosen into this exclusive membership is for white people only. All of the tenants that are listed on the membership of the Consortium are white. There are no tenants in the Consortium that are Black, Asian, or Hispanic descent. Diversity, Pluralism, and Equal Opportunity are restricted on this HUD property under the aegis of Lake County Housing Authority, thanks to David Kalk.
Public Housing
Lake County Housing Authority is a government agency that is under the auspices of HUD, which is a Federal agency. The Lake County Housing Authority is meant for low income seniors, because they need financial help. House is a well run, and takes care of it’s tenants, because HUD provides assistance. Lake County Housing Authority is the largest one in Lake County, because it is the only one.
The Hawley Manor Garden is under the control of David Kalk, and he is operating a private business in this government property by running a nursery.
Kalk Nurseries
The entire area of the Hawley Manor Garden is divided into two equal parts. The northern part, or section is for the exclusive use of David Kalk alone, and his nursery business, where you can see all the potted plants that he is raising for merchandising.
The southern half of the Hawley Manor Garden is subdivided for the rest of the tenants, with only a very small match of land to grow a garden.
David Kalk has committed a crime, because he is practicing discrimination on government property. This leader has posted a public notice, and needs to be prosecuted for it, because he has committed a crime. Posting discriminating signs on government property is illegal, because it is the law.
This article is about Grayslake Beer Festival #306Z, located in downtown Grayslake, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations to the Village of Grayslake, The Grayslake Chamber of Commerce & The Exchange Club of Grayslake!
The Village of Grayslake, The Grayslake Chamber of Commerce & The Grayslake Exchange Club
People Love The Grayslake Beer Festival #306Z
The mood was festive and the music lively here at the annual Grayslake Craft Beer Festival, in downtown Grayslake. Because everyone enjoys a good time together with friends, there could be no better way to share time than here. Most importantly, the beer was outstanding, and everyone took interest in the music, and food.
Thought the clouds were hanging over our head for most of the day, the raid did not rule the day. Because we had many large and spacious tents to gather it, there was no worry about the rain. I must say, the rain did a good job of backing off during the whole day.
When it came to taking down the festival, the clouds rolled way, and we had no rain to interfere with the dismantling of the grounds. Because the clouds were not really heavy cumulus clouds, but rather status nimbus, they did not contain a lot of water, saving the day for us. Most importantly, the Grayslake Chamber, and Exchange Club of Grayslake did an excellent job of setting tents and facilities in such a manner that even in a hard downfall, everyone would be ok.
Thank you to the Village of Grayslake, Mayor Taylor, and the Village Board of Trustees, The Grayslake Police Department, The Grayslake Fire Prevention District, The Grayslake Public Works Department, The Grayslake Chamber of Commerce, and the Exchange Club of Grayslake for making this fine event possible, and making Grayslake a better place to live, and work.
This article is about the men’s retreat for the Knights of Columbus #294Z, at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Knights of Columbus!
The retreat started with lunch at 11:30 to 12:30. The offerings were, hotdogs, hamburgers, and potato salad. There were knights from various parishes in Lake County present at the seminar.
Four Principles Of The Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism
Jon Blevins was the moderator for the retreat, and a veteran of the host parish. With a great sense of humor, Jon started each of the four Principles with a short video of a comedy skit, reflecting the topic at hand. I enjoyed the first skit the most with the reference to the Vatican constructing a tunnel under the ocean to the White House. These skits were great ice breakers, and set the tone for learning, and fellowship.
Group discussions for Knights of Columbus #294Z
Following each of the sessions that Jon went over, we would share a point from the Principles, discussed by Jon, with the knights at each table. These were nice, and meaningful times, as it allowed for us to personalize what the Principle meant for us in our life. When we finished, we shared what each of had said at our corresponding tables with the group at large.
The Chapel
At the halfway point of the retreat, we all gather together upstairs in the chapel, sat quietly, reflecting on the eucharist in the tabernacle, and prayer.
Upon returning from the chapel, we resumed our sessions with the final two Principles, and then finished in prayer. This was near 4:30 PM, which gave us time to gather upstairs for mass at 5:00 PM.
All in all, this was and excellent program, and I glad that I attended. It was nice to meet with, and get to know other knights from other parishes. The day was a true blessing.
1, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.2, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.3, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.4, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.5, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.6, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.7, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.8, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.
Photo of Jon Blevins, the host of the retreat, and Stephen F. Condren.
9, Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat at St. Paul the Apostle Catholic Church in Gurnee, IL.
Condren Galleries Ltd. For Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat #294Z
Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the Knights of Columbus men’s retreat #294Z.
Stephen F. Condren For Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat #294Z
As an artist I have made Knights of Columbus Men’s Retreat #294Z an important part of my Spiritual growth.
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Knights of Columbus men’s retreat #294Z with artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
This article is about Lake County Housing #303Z, honoring tenants with flowers and dignity, written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Lake County Housing!
This morning Lake County Housing Authority came to Hawley Manor in downtown Grayslake, to honor it’s senior residents by planting flowers along the parkway of the outside of the building. Their efforts have made a showcase of this fine building.
The team of workers were staff members of Lake County Housing Authority. Heading up the team was Lorraine Hocker, Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer and Arron Broeski, Senior Property Manager, both can be seen at the top of the page.
Senior Citizens
Hawley Manor is a senior citizen residential facility in downtown Grayslake, just one block from the Grayslake Fire Prevention District. Since many of the residents are not able to get out and do gardening the administration of Lake County Housing Authority has taking up the banner and set things in order at the manor.
Both Lorraine Hocker and Aaron Boeski are veteran public service administrators and have the ability, knowledge , and talent to get things done, and with stealth. With smiles on their faces and garden tools in their hands Lorraine and Aaron came to make things better. Thank you!
The People
1, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.2, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.3, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.4, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.5, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
The Helpers
6, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.7,Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.8, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.9, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.10, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.11, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.12, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.13, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.14, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
The Staff
15, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
16, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
17, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
18, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
19,Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
20, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
21, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
22, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
23, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
24, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
25, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
On Task
26, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
27, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
28, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
Taking The Task In Hand
29, Lake County Housing Authority Planting Flowers.
Condren Galleries Ltd. For Lake County Housing #303Z
Lake County Housing #303Z Honoring Senior Citizens
Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participated in the execution of Lake County Housing #303Z.
Stephen F. Condren For Lake County Housing #303Z
Lake County Housing #303Z As Beautifying Grayslake
As an artist I have made Lake County Housing #303Z a site a beauty with more flowers in the city.
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Lake County Housing #303Z pen & ink drawing with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
This article is about the Grayslake Exchange Club’s Food Frenzy #299Z, an annual event that raises money for distressed families and children, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Grayslake Exchange Club!
College of Lake County, Saturday, 5/12/2019, 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Food, drinks, snacks, and lots of fun! As a new member to the Grayslake chapter of the Exchange Club I have to say that I was very impressed. I had just become a member this last Thursday and I cannot express to you how pleased I was with the graciousness shown to me, as though I had been around for a long time. These people really know how to make you feel at home.
With this kind of favor I could not help but offer my services to the setting up of the Food Frenzy this coming Saturday. So at 8:00 AM I was at the site ready to assist. Club members were coming in with their pickups and vans filled with tents and tables that would be used to put the event in order.
I also had the honor to meet Scot Warren, the National President of the Exchange Club for 2018 & 2019! But do not be fooled, Scot was pitching in like everyone else, by lifting tables, chairs, tents!
The weather during setup was overcast but fine. There was no rain and the temperature was nice. You only needed a light jacket. At 10:00 AM when my shift had ended I had to depart to do my services at the First Holy Communion for the Second Graders at St. Gilbert’s Parish, in Grayslake.
Later in the afternoon, after the church event I came back to check on things. The weather was getting cooler and a bit of raid started to set in. But this did not stop the program. There were a lot of people in attendance and people were enjoying themselves.
At the end of the day I returned to help take down. It was a pleasure to work with such fine, friendly, and good natured people.
Food Frenzy #299Z
Hosted by the Grayslake Exchange Club
The People
The Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.1, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Fest 2019.Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.2, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.3, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.4, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.Zack Steiner ~ Artist6, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.7, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.Travis telling me to pay up or get out!9, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.10, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.11, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.12, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.13, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.Mike Steiner14, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.15, Exchange Club of Grayslake Food Frenzy 2019.
Condren Galleries Ltd. For Food Frenzy #0299Z
Photos For Food Frenzy #299Z
I took the photos that appear in this article. Please feel free to make copies from this site.
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the execution of Food Frenzy #299Z.
Stephen F. Condren Food Frenzy #299Z
As an artist I have made Food Frenzy #299Z a place to be and get ideas for drawing.
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Food Frenzy #299Z pen & ink drawing with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
This article is about the Grayslake Arts Alliance art exhibit called May Fest #291Z, written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Grayslake Arts Alliance!
May Fest was hosted by the Heritage Center of Grayslake, Illinois. Because the Heritage Center is right downtown on Hawley Street next door to the Grayslake Fire Prevention District, it is easily accessed by the entire community.
Grayslake Arts Alliance
May Fest was sponsored by the Grayslake Arts Alliance. Because the site is provided to us by the Village of Grayslake, we extend to the city our gratitude. The time of the exhibit was from 12:00 Noon to 4:00 PM. Most importantly, the weather was beautiful.
May Fest #291Z
The weather could not have been better as we were blessed with sunshine and balmy weather all afternoon. People from all over Grayslake came to see what was new here at the exhibit and also to take in the good music that complimented the fine snacks offered just inside the Heritage Center. Because many of the Alliance members were in attendance along with patrons, the show had personal meaning.
1. Artist Aruna N. Sarode standing with completed oil painting of Heritage Center.
Aruna N. Sarode
Among the members that were present, we had artist Aruna N. Sarode, do a plein-air oil painting of the Heritage Center right before us. Because of Aruna’s attention to detail and amazing speed astonished those of us that had the honor to see her at work. Thank you Aruna!
Let us look carefully at this finely executed work of art. Because as an astute artist, Aruna has properly prepared her canvas board for this out side painting. Because Aruna knew that this will be done on the spot and therefore with brevity, she approaches the oil with expertise.
Canvas Board
Immediately in photo #2, you can see that she has use the correct tones to prepare the canvas board. This mix of ochre, red, and yellow are clearly seen. These tones will be the foundation of the painting. The warmth of the ochre will support the blues and greens in the sky that is above the image of the Heritage Center.
In photo #3, you can see that now that she has set down the background, so Aruna is free to build the foundation of the painting from the lower section of the canvas board. The strong yellows nicely enhance the bottom section of the oil, and follow true to the colors of the music canopy that she is in the process of capturing.
Water Tower
With supreme stealth, Aruna has detailed the structure of the water tower behind the Heritage Center. Aruna has captured this image with great success. I say this with good reason, for any object that is so salient in the composition of work of art, has to be very carefully crafted. The water tower is a difficult object to successfully incorporate into the imagery of the cityscape that she is creating.
Shade & Shadows
Because the water tower is very different form the structure of the Heritage Center and it sticks out like a soar thumb. Most importantly, this is not the case here, as Aruna has masterfully incorporated this difficult object into the composition of the painting. Because the shade and shadows of the water tower are delicately painted, they are a delight to behold.
Aruna’s supreme achievement with this oil painting is her thorough understanding of the use of color. Unlike so many artists, Aruna does not utilize local color. That is: the sky is blue, the grass is green, and the flowers are red. A true master of color knows how to properly blend the color so that all of the tones are seen in every part of the painting, and that is exactly what Aruna has accomplished here.
When all is said and done, you have before you a masterly crafted work of art. This work of art is an artistic success and Aruna is to be commended.
2. Artist Aruna N. Sarode paints for May Fest.
3. Artist Aruna N. Sarode paints for May Fest.
4. View of Aruna N. Sarode’s paints and brushes for May Fest
5. Artist Aruna N. Sarode paints for May Fest.
6. Artist Aruna N. Sarode paints for May Fest.7. Greeters for the Heritage Center8. Patrons of May Fest viewing artwork.9. May Fest Food Offerings.10. Artwork on display at May Fest.11. Artwork on display at May Fest.12. Artwork on display at May Fest.13. Artwork on display at May Fest.14. Artwork on display at May Fest.15. Artwork on display at May Fest.16. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.17. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.18. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.19. May Fest 2019.20. May Fest 2019.21. May Fest 2019.
22. May Fest 2019.
23. The Beauties of May Fest!
24. The Beauties of May Fest!
25. Artist Stephen F. Condren by his artwork at May Fest.
26. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
27. Artwork on display at May Fest.
28. Artwork panel showcasing current works at May Fest.
29. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
30. Ernest Schweit, President of the Grayslake Arts Alliance, stands by his photography.
31. May Fest 2019.
31. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
32. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
33. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
34. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
36. Artwork panels showcasing current works at May Fest.
37. May Fest 2019.
Images for May Fest #291Z
Scans of May Fest #291Z are available in JPEG or PDF formats for making prints, note cards, or posters.
Condren Galleries Ltd. for May Fest #291Z
May Fest #291Z
Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the execution of watercolor house portrait #291Z, because it promotes the arts. Because the weather was good many people came to the art fair. Most importantly, May Fest help local artist display their works of art.
Stephen F. Condren for May Fest #291Z
Most importantly, as an artist I pleased to be a part of May Fest #291Z. Because drawings of city scenes has been a long time passion of mine since childhood. Most importantly, I like doing the drawings right on the spot and not from photos.