Tom Brady 202A pencil celebrity drawing by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC.

This celebrity rendering Tom Brady is a straight on view of his face. The lighting on his face comes from various angles, because this is a studio photo. It appears to me that Tom has a sleepy or loose left eye as it seems out to his left side.
Tom Brady 202A
The celebrity drawing is done in two soft lead pencils, because I wanted a deep impression with the lines. I used a Ebony Jet Black lead with a 6B lead, because they are dark. The Ebony Jet Black is darker than the 6B lead for this celebrity drawing. I have used this to cover the background of the drawing. The more lines that you put into a celebrity drawing the more tedious it becomes. It is important to use fewer lines to express an image because it is clear. Celebrity portraits look best when there is high and low contrast in the rendering.
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Tom Brady 202A pencil celebrity drawing by artist Stephen Condren.
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