This fine pen & ink drawing of supermodel Matt Qualley. Matt is a handsome young man with a bright future. If he stays with the modeling career I know that he will do well. Working out and keeping a healthy diet are essential for a model to look good at all times. The one difficult task that all models face is time. Unlike actors where they have time to prepare their scrips a model often has to work on the spot. This means that the model has to be in tip top shape at all times or else he will look off. No model can ever be off, because that could cost him a lot of money.
Male Physique
The drawing lends itself to exhibiting male beauty at it’s best because beauty is from the inside. Mat is a natural male beauty and does not have to do any kind of touch-ups to his fair body. I hope and pray that he will never put a filthy tattoo on his pure and pristine body.
This figure drawing is done first in pencil and then I follow through with pen & ink. I used a very fine tipped pen for this drawing because his face was too small to draw with a regular fine point pen.
The Model ~ Giving Full Credit
Matt Qualley
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
The model(s) for this fictional rendering has no association with the drawing, because it is not about the model, further, the model’s sexual preferences are not known or suggested in this post.
Photographs & Image
The drawing was done from an online because I did a search for male figures.
This fine pen & ink drawing of supermodel Vince Sant of V Shred is a nice rendering of his male beauty. Vince is a fine looking and very successful body builder and diet expert. Just watching is YouTube videos is a fun learning experience. Vince is not a real big guy, but a more slender kind of body builder. He does not fall into the Arnold Schwarzenegger bodybuilder physique category.
Male Physique
The drawing lends itself to exhibiting male beauty in the muscular sense of the word. This is because body building is really an organic activity not one that come by working out in the gym. The gym is a non-real kind of place, like a movie theater. A naturally organic male body is developed though the work of his daily routine, which naturally build up his muscles.
This figure drawing is done first in pencil which I use as my guide for the pen & ink that follows. Pen & ink is very unforgiving and cannot be erased, so you have to be very careful. Even if you put white out on the drawing the spot will show.
The Model ~ Giving Full Credit
V Shred or Vince Sant
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
The model(s) for this fictional rendering has no association with the drawing, because it is not about the model, further, the model’s sexual preferences are not known or suggested in this post.
Photographs & Image
The drawing was done from an online because I did a search for fitness.
This fine pen & ink drawing of supermodel Matt Qualley. Matt is a handsome young man with a bright future. If he stays with the modeling career I know that he will do well. Working out and keeping a healthy diet are essential for a model to look good at all times. The one difficult task that all models face is time. Unlike actors where they have time to prepare their scrips a model often has to work on the spot. This means that the model has to be in tip top shape at all times or else he will look off. No model can ever be off, because that could cost him a lot of money.
Male Physique
The drawing lends itself to exhibiting male beauty at it’s best because beauty is from the inside. Mat is a natural male beauty and does not have to do any kind of touch-ups to his fair body. I hope and pray that he will never put a filthy tattoo on his pure and pristine body.
This figure drawing is done first in pencil and then I follow through with pen & ink. I used a very fine tipped pen for this drawing because his face was too small to draw with a regular fine point pen.
The Model ~ Giving Full Credit
Matt Qualley
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
The model(s) for this fictional rendering has no association with the drawing, because it is not about the model, further, the model’s sexual preferences are not known or suggested in this post.
This fine pen & ink drawing of supermodel Matt Qualley. Matt is a beautiful young man with a lot of potential. He has a beauty that is all of his own, and the thing that drew me to him right away was his toned physique. Matt does not have the body of the usual “hot” guys that you see posted all over the Internet, because he is trim and toned, not a muscle boy. Muscle boys are nice to look at but they are not in my eyes beauties like Matt.
Male Physique
The drawing lends itself to exhibiting male beauty at it’s best because beauty is natural and comes by natural movements of the body. Men who work-out in the gym trying to build super-bodies are missing the point. It is not natural activity to lift weight and press exceedingly have presses. Nature likes you to do things in the manner that you were designed for. Just like the birds that like to swoop down on cars as they pass is a form of exercise. Running, swimming, and lifting things at work and around the house is natural exercise, not pressing weight.
This figure drawing is done first in pencil and then I follow through with black pen & ink. In this figure drawing I used a fine and a medium pen. When drawing a figure that includes the torso you have to adjust your pens to fit the need. In the case of torso drawings you are not close to the face like when you are drawing a portrait. Therefore, you have to use a fine tip pen to draw the details of the face. A blunt line would ruin the image of the face.
The Model ~ Giving Full Credit
Matt Qualley
Instagram, Twitter, Facebook
The model(s) for this fictional rendering has no association with the drawing, because it is not about the model, further, the model’s sexual preferences are not known or suggested in this post.
This fine pen & ink drawing of super model Steven Dehler. This fine look man is a prize to look at because of his outstanding male beauty. God made people like Steven to keep the species alive and with good merit. Steven is not only very handsome, because he is an outstanding man of the gym. He take is beautiful body very seriously by working out and eating right. You can easily see that all of the muscles on his fair body and natural with no indication of steroid use. I can spot a steroid user a mile away, just like I can spot a drinker.
The drawing lends itself to exhibiting the male beauty of Steven Dehler. It is quite clear that the male is the fair sex in the human species because its beautiful architecture made by the muscles. The 6-pack is unique to each male, just like a finger print. No to males alive have the same 6-pack. What makes the male so beautiful is his face because of his large deep eyes and glorious beard.
This figure drawing drawing is done first in pencil and then afterward I go over it with pen & ink. The pencil rendering is my guide for the ink that follows because when you are working with ink you cannot make a mistake, because ink is very unforgiving. Also, when you make a mistake with ink it jumps out at you and grabs you by the throat. If you make an error with a pencil any error is easily not seen because of so many other lines.
The model(s) for this gay fantasy rendering has no association with the drawing, because it is not about the model, further, the model’s sexual preferences are not known or suggested in this post.
One of my greatest pleasure in life is drawing. I was born to draw and from my earliest youth I could always draw. For me the most beautiful creation in the world is the human male. The glory and majesty of the male body is unsurpassed in architectural design and beauty.
For countless centuries society has been wrongly brainwashed that women are the fair sex, with is of course not true at all. The male is the fair sex, and also it is the dominant sex of the species. Females are tawdry looking with plain features and ill proportioned bodies.
Since men or males like to have sex with females, for this is natural, males put images and paintings of females all over the places to serve as eye candy for them. So naturally women fall prey to the lie that they are the fair sex when, in truth, it is the trickery of males to use them for eye candy.
To behold a figure like that of Jason Douglas is an honor.
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Shirtless male (687Z) torso pen & ink gay figure drawing of Jason Douglas by artist Stephen Condren.
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Shirtless male (687Z) torso pen & ink gay figure drawing of Jason Douglas by artist Stephen Condren, with massive pecs and muscular 6-pack.
This figure drawing is done in pen & ink of celebrity model Jason Douglas.
Shirtless Male (687Z)
Jason Douglas
Jason Douglas is one of the hottest models in the industry. Few men can claim to be as hot and sexy as Jason.
Photographs & Images
I often go to for the best images of sexy gay men.
Please link to me. Thank you!Complaint Free Award.Large Prints Not MattedMatted & Framed PrintsMatted in white.
The drawing above is an image of a large flaccid penis, because it is not erect. However, a flaccid penis is usually much smaller, because all of the blood has left it. In this image the penis is rather plump, because it is not empty of all it’s blood. What brings about this state in the image I cannot say, because I am not sitting with the man to know.
Sex Organ Pencil Drawing
I have used a very soft lead in drawing this image, because the details are fine. I made very good use of hatching, and cross-hatching to convey the shade, and shadow along the base of the shaft that touches the testicles.
Pen & Ink Drawings With Prints & Scans
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Penis #522Z, sex organ pencil drawing with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Penis #521Z, sex organ pencil drawing, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #521Z ~ Order Here.
As a graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, I drew and painted nudes all day long, because I majored in Figure Drawing, and Painting. I was a precocious child and could draw from the earliest age, because I was gifted with the ability to draw. The human face and body has always fascinated me the most, because they are the glory of creation.
The Penis #521Z Pencil Drawing
When drawing the human figure, you have to of course draw the penis, because it is a part of the body. I never like to look at drawings, and paintings of naked men that are wearing pants, or donning a fig leave, because it spoils the image. By putting such things on the loins only puts attention to the penis in a negative way, because people get embarrassed. The penis, like the woman’s breast are a part of the body, and not to be ashamed of, because they are good things.
Drawings With Prints & Scans
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Penis #521Z, sex organ pencil drawing, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Human male design #458Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren #458Z, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Order Drawings Here
Human sexuality is based upon beauty, because it is in demand. The purpose of sex is to protect the seed, because this safeguards the species. Sexual desire is developed through beauty, because beauty requires structure. Male architecture is designed to evoke the desire for beauty, so as to develop male bonding.
Male Bonding
Sex is meant to develop male bonding, because it brings men together. Males carry the seed of life that have to be protected, because this insures the life of the species. Like an army, the bonding of human males protects the team, because it builds up the team members. Male bonding is only made possible through the ointment of sex, because men need to huddle as team players that manifest male bonding.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Name #450Z
The beauty of the architecture of the human male works to attract the sexual appetite of both males, and females, because this is the rule of Nature. The demand of nature is the creation of offspring, and this is done through sexual intercourse between a male and female. The drawing above show the beauty of the human male which is meant to be pleasing and comely, because he is handsome.
Therefor the beauty of the human male serves as the agent of male bonding, and species procreation through sexual intercourse with females, because this is the rule of nature.
Female Are Mandated To Be Plain
The rule of nature demands the female to be simple, and plain, because it will interfere with male beauty. All attention should be focused on male beauty, because this is the rule of Nature. Females are not meant to be admired or even looked at because they are plain, because this is the rule of Nature. All males, of all species are the fair sex, because this is the rule of Nature.
Males Desire Males
The human male naturally desire sexual relations with other human males, because this is the rule of Nature. Bartolomeo Manfredi understood this, because he painted it in Cupid Chastised.
Since males are dominant they are beautiful, because that is the rule of Nature. Like right hand or left hand dominance makes you able to write, because this is the rule of Nature. Dominance brings out beauty, because this is the rule of Nature.
Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans. Order Drawings Here.
Without doubt the human male is the most glorious creature in all creation, because man is the pinnacle of life on earth. This is a simple sketch that is meant to display the male body, because I want to show it’s architectural form. If you look at the center you will see his penis, and scrotum which are placed at the center, because this is the balancing point of the body. The center of gravity for the human male is at his loins, because the legs pivot from there.
The pectorals of the male are strictly for sexual attract of the female, because he need her to copulate. The pectorals are large so that males, and females can fondle them with their hands to arouse erotic stimuli. Male need to fondle other males, because this is the rule of nature. The male is the dominant, and the beautiful, because it is the rule of Nature.
Pencil drawing of a young shirtless cowboy with 10-gallon hat by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Pencil sketch of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Male Bonding
They are also used to attract the human male for erotic affection, because this stimulates male bonding. Male to male erotic affection is not to be confused with homosexual behavior, because homosexuality compels anal intercourse which is not the rule of Nature. However, male fondling, and mutual erotic simulation is part of male bonding, because it is the rule of Nature. Because sperms travel in schools, and makes all men team. Thus male bonding is all about team, and erotic fondling, and affection, stimulates male bonding.
Men need to have sex with other men, because it is the rule of nature. The more male to male sex that you have makes you a better love, because it develops your sexual persona. The artist Bartolomeo Manfredi knew this, and made it manifest in his painting Cupid Chastised. See my article on this here.
If male to male sexual response gets very intense then it naturally leads to sexual intercourse, because it is the rule of nature. However, since the male anus does not lead to a placenta there will be not offspring. Gay male sexual activity is healthy, because this is the rule of nature.
Gay Male Sexual Activity
Men need to engage often in intense sexual activity with each other, because this reduces stress. Gay male sexual activity enhances their sexual persona, because the can then better procreate with the female. Thus, gay male sexual activity needs to be encouraged, and promoted, because it is the rule of nature.
Male Passes Seed Of Life
From the loins up you will see very complex body structure, because the male is the beauty of humanity. The female is homely and plain, because the female is not supposed to display any beauty. Only the male is to display beauty so as to draw the attention of the female, because this is the rule of Nature. All beauty is based on the male in all species, not the female, because the male passes the seed of life.
Human Male Architecture #491Z
Above is my sketch of a young man posed in a sort of pirouette manner to display his body parts. The contour lines on the outside of the drawing define the limits of his body, because the shadow lines can cause confusion.
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Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery