Tucson skyline #28A, is a pen & ink cityscape rendering by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. This is a pen & ink rendering of the downtown cityscape of Tucson. The mountains make for a dramatic backdrop to this lovely and clean city. It is always to visit here when I am on my artistic travels.
Tucson skyline #28A pen and ink cityscape drawing with a view of the mountains and skyscrapers.
Cityscape Beauty
The beauty in this rendering is the nice blending of the mountains in with the skyline. It is always important to properly put images together in a complimenting manner. Here we can see the taller building of the city on the left side. As we look more closely at the rendering we can see more of the buildings below the mountains on the horizon.
The mountains in this region of the country are rather barren and do not possess much greenery as those to the north, due to the climate. However, there are characteristics of these mountains that need to be address and used to make a good-looking work of art.
The line weight is fine for the entire work of art and clearly delineates the subject of the skyline. The nice hatching of the shadows on the mountains. Looking at the sky you can see that the clouds are stratus nimbus and not cumulous. At time the clouds can become too dominant in a drawing and take away the focus from the subject. It is best to keep the sky in a low state of drama. If however, you are wanting to show the landscape in a storm, then turbulence is what you need. But that is not what is on the agenda for the drawing. A fine pen & ink line rendering of a cityscape is what we want and what we are getting.
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Tucson skyline #28A pen and ink cityscape drawing with a view of the mountains and skyscrapers.

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