Brad Pitt 305A multi-color pen & ink celebrity actor portrait drawing by artist Stephen Condren.

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Brad Pitt 305A multi-color pen & ink celebrity actor portrait drawing by artist Stephen Condren.
Meta Description
Brad Pitt 305A multi-color pen & ink celebrity actor portrait drawing by artist Stephen Condren looking straight at you, matted white 11″ x 14″.
This celebrity rendering is of Brad Pitt is a multi-color drawing. I have used black ink to make the essential elements of this face because he of his eyes. When the black ink was finish I put in the contour lines with color inks. Shading and shadows were made with hatched line, because they offer surface structure.
Brad Pitt 305A
The celebrity drawing is of Brad Pitt has him in a casual mood. He is wearing an open collar shirt with a beard and mustache. His hair is a bit messy but in order because he is posing for a photo. He is a bit close to the picture plane so I have made the line work loose and easy.
Drawing Characteristics
Characteristics of the multi-color drawing are the way shadows make the contour of his face. I only used the color inks to enhance the black ink. The fundaments elements of the drawing are done in black ink. There is a preliminary pencil sketch that I start with because it is a guide.
Brad is facing the viewer head-on and has a pleasant appearance. I did a bit of stipple line work on his chin because of his beard. The beard is short and neat. He is wearing a white shirt, however, I have change the color to compliment the tones in his face. The hatched lines in the drawing bring out the depth-of-field in the portrait.
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