Art and Art related topics by artist and architectural illustrator, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with JPEG & PDF scans and prints for Fine Art articles #002Q.
Color pencil drawing of the Chicago skyline at sunset overlooking Lake Michigan by artist Stephen F. Condren.
RuPaul #527Z, gay celebrity pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #527Z ~ Order Here.
What more can be said than this is RuPau, because he is the defacto gay celebrity of today. No one person of the Gay Community stands out more than Rupaul, because he is recognized world wide. RuPaul is most noted for being a female impersonator, because he is able to play the role with expertise.
Pencil Drawing
Below is my preliminary pencil sketch of RuPaul for the final inking, because I use the sketch as a guide. The pencil is a careful delineation for RuPaul’s face and shoulders, because they are nicely developed. RuPaul has a well balance head & shoulder composition, because his head is proportionate to his shoulders. The size of his head is also very well proportioned to his shoulders, because it firmly rests there. I have made a point to simply delineate the face of RuPaul, because I did not want to make it too busy with hatched lines.
RuPaul pencil drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Prints & Scans
Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #527Z ~ Order Here.
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RuPaul #527Z, gay celebrity pen & ink drawing with pencil, offering prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries For RuPaul #527Z
Gay cowboy pen&ink #502Z, drawing with pencil contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
This pen & ink drawing of a gay cowboy is one of my favorites, because it has captured the spirit of the inner gay male. His eyes are covered with the crossed-hatched lines of my pen. This is a very alluring image, because you cannot see his eyes. The 10-gallon hat covering his head, and eyes, are nicely detailed with vertical hatched lines, because the lines are closely aligned.
Gay Cowboy Pen & Ink #502Z
The use of the pen & ink in this drawing is exceptionally well executed, because of the use of fine lines. The lighting is strong so, because the contrast is high in the drawing. I have used fine pen lines to capture the shading, because a thicker pen would be too blunt. He is looking up and resting his back on the wall, because he is taking in the sun.
Below is my pencil drawing of a hot gay cowboy, because he is looking at you!
Gay cowboy drawing #499Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
The drawing of this cowboy is done with contour lines, and simple cross-hatching, because these elements bring out the form. I have made the contour lines the dominant element in the drawing, because I want to focus on the body form.
Gay Cowboy Drawing #499Z
Above is my rendering of the gay cowboy, because it is giving you a full view of his torso. I have cropped the image from the waste, because I can get better detail closer up. Below is my preliminary sketch of the cowboy, because this is the foundation of the finished drawing. The lines are light in the sketch, because I can use them as a guide to draft the contour lines.
Pencil sketch of a young gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Delineation #497Z, drawing with pencil contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
Delineation is everywhere, and all pervasive, which permeates everything, because it is the rule of Nature. Galaxies are formed by the code of their patterns that stem from their core, radiating via rays that delineate their shape. The pattern of the conch shell is delineated by the pattern emitting from its core. All things boil down to the line, and when you capture the line you rule the world, for that is the rule of Nature.
Pencil Rendering For Delineation #497Z
In my rendering above of the gay shirtless cowboy you can see lines that are delineating the shading on his face, because lines hold the truth. When we look at perspective Architectural Renderings we see how the lines have delineated the pattern of the building.
Motion pictures are the substance of delineation, because they are based on the storyline. A storyline is line, which is a delineation, which in turn is a rendering! Thus, all things boil down to the all pervasive line.
Human male design #458Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren #458Z, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Order Drawings Here
Human sexuality is based upon beauty, because it is in demand. The purpose of sex is to protect the seed, because this safeguards the species. Sexual desire is developed through beauty, because beauty requires structure. Male architecture is designed to evoke the desire for beauty, so as to develop male bonding.
Male Bonding
Sex is meant to develop male bonding, because it brings men together. Males carry the seed of life that have to be protected, because this insures the life of the species. Like an army, the bonding of human males protects the team, because it builds up the team members. Male bonding is only made possible through the ointment of sex, because men need to huddle as team players that manifest male bonding.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Name #450Z
The beauty of the architecture of the human male works to attract the sexual appetite of both males, and females, because this is the rule of Nature. The demand of nature is the creation of offspring, and this is done through sexual intercourse between a male and female. The drawing above show the beauty of the human male which is meant to be pleasing and comely, because he is handsome.
Therefor the beauty of the human male serves as the agent of male bonding, and species procreation through sexual intercourse with females, because this is the rule of nature.
Female Are Mandated To Be Plain
The rule of nature demands the female to be simple, and plain, because it will interfere with male beauty. All attention should be focused on male beauty, because this is the rule of Nature. Females are not meant to be admired or even looked at because they are plain, because this is the rule of Nature. All males, of all species are the fair sex, because this is the rule of Nature.
Males Desire Males
The human male naturally desire sexual relations with other human males, because this is the rule of Nature. Bartolomeo Manfredi understood this, because he painted it in Cupid Chastised.
Since males are dominant they are beautiful, because that is the rule of Nature. Like right hand or left hand dominance makes you able to write, because this is the rule of Nature. Dominance brings out beauty, because this is the rule of Nature.
Looking backwards #472Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #472A ~ Order Here.
The path to success in all things is to look forward not backwards, because the future is before all of us. The greatest loss that all of humanity makes is looking to the past, and upholding it for the future. Thus, immediately blinding themselves for future vision. The best path to take is the one that is advancing, because any other will lead you astray.
Looking Backwards #472Z
Looking Backwards #472Z Pen & Ink Drawing
Above is my pen & ink drawing of a naked man looking backwards, symbolizing my point, because he is looking the wrong way. Take the key points from those of the past, and build upon them. For example, only a fool would pick up the Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant, like it was hot off of the press. Much has happened since the critique that Kant was not aware of. Since then we have learned of the laws of Genetics, and of the subconscious, the Relativity. How can I seriously look to a person for answers that are clearly not working for today? It is right, and good to look at them as a reference, because they offer things that are in reference to their time. However, the best practice is to abstract from theses men and build cases for today, because that offers solutions for the future.
The same is true in all things, because you will always advance by looking ahead. As an artist I would never draw like Rembrandt, because we see things differently than I do now. As a teacher, I would never teach based on rules of the past, because they do not address the needs of new research of today. I would never read the Bible like it was just printed, because it is very out dated. After reading Albert Schweitzer, and Rudolph Bultmann, only a fool would read the Bible literally. My points go on, and on, because they point to the future. Adam & Eve are mythology, not Science.
To look back at the accomplishments of those who proceeded us is necessary for understanding key points that they have taught us, because these elements are enduring. However, contemporary society does not grasp this, and wrongly takes in the baby with the bath water only to make a mess. People worship the past in foolishness, because it offers less each passing day. Take the good from the past and say thank, and nothing more, because then you are paying homage.
Bartolomeo Manfredi knew, and understood this, and brilliantly worked it out, with genius, in his famous painting Cupid Chastised. My study of this great worked is linked here.
Keeping The Faith #468Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Order Pen & Inks Here.
The concept of “Keeping the faith” is pure rubbish, and should be done away with, because it is bad Theology. In fact it is no Theology, it is a phrase groping in the dark seeking a meaning. What people are really saying is “Keep up our way of thinking”, or variations on that theme, which is a tawdry, and inept statement, for it makes you narrow from the start, and prevents you from opening up your mind, and life to newer, and greater experiences.
This is because human thought patterns are based on codes, similar to that of an oak leaf, or sea shell. Thus it is very difficult to almost impossible to operate outside of this code. Therefore, to “Keep the faith” is merely a response to keep your thought processes within your given code.
Pen & Ink Drawing
Keeping The Faith #468Z
Above is my pen & ink drawing of Golgotha, where Jesus hangs with the two thieves, because it is recorded in the Bible. However, this is all speculation, with not substantive facts to support it. Most probably there was a Jesus, and most probably He was crucified, but that is it. The rest of the story is not based on facts, and therefore, cannot offer theories. For Theory is Science, and Science is fact base, because this is the rule of Nature.
Keeping The Faith #468Z
You cannot have any Theology at all, because it is not fact based. Thus, there is no Theology, but rather scholars, and clergymen talking about God that is infested with their opinion. For none of what any Theologian says is theoretical because it is not fact base. From St. Augustine, to David Tracy, you have mere men speculating on the concepts of God, knowing nothing, and offering less.
Pen & ink drawing of Roman Catholic Theologian, Father David Tracy.
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Keeping the faith #468Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Male Beauty #446Z, with pen & ink, and pencil portraits, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries with LBGTQ honored gay prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #445Z ~ Order Here.
From the fish in the sea, to the birds in the air, it is Nature’s decree that the male is most fair. ~ Stephen F. Condren
Male Beauty
From The Fish In The Sea, To The Birds In The Air, It Is Nature’s Decree That The Male Is Most Fair
If you are a man, and you want to make your straight buddy uncomfortable in a hurry, just tell him that “The guy who just walked in is really cute”, and you will see him squirm! Why? Because deep inside, your buddy knows it, and does not want to let the cat out of the bag. This fact is true of all men, in all cultures, and of all races, because men are far more beautiful than women. More importantly, the male gender is the fair gender, not the female.
Physiologic Architecture
The male, unlike the female possesses a magnificent architecture, because his muscles, skeleton, and physique sculpt a structurally sound design. Whereas the female has a wobbly form, accented with saggy tits, and flabby hips, that offers little. This is because to have the female the equal in beautify with the male would cause a visual, and social conflict, because the male is the dominant gender of the species by the rule of Nature. It is the male that mounts, and penetrates the female, because the male passes on the seed of life.
In Western Culture, and many others, we have been brainwashed, swindled if you will, to believe a lie. For it is the rule of Nature that the male gender in all species is the beautiful, and fair specimen. Men of society uphold the female as the fair sex, because they desire them for sexual satisfaction. Thus to uphold another man as beautiful creates a conflict in their mind, that is wrong, because the ploy of upholding of female beauty is to focus on sexual intercourse so as to procreate. Masking the truth, and living the lie of female beauty is a tawdry swindle, that cheapens the glory of Nature’s greatest creation, which is of course, the human male.
Schools Of Sperm
However, there is no need to worry, because men are meant to bond by the rule of Nature. This is why men like sports, and huddles, because they are team like the school of sperms swimming to the egg. Male bonding stems from our primordial sperm team, and poses no threat to male sexual encounters. Therefore, the next time that your buddy tells you that the guy that just walked in is cute, agree with him! Because he is offering you respect, and friendship which is the greatest treasure of all.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Male Beauty #446Z
Above, and below are my drawings of beautiful men, the glory of Nature, for all men, and women to behold and enjoy. There is no need for men to be afraid to enjoy the image of male beauty, because it only enhances their standing. It is far better to be beautiful than ugly, because we all strive for beauty.
Sex is not beautiful #445Z, men are. A study of social conduct, with pen & ink, and pencil figure drawings, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries, with LBGTQ honored gay prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #445Z ~ Order Here.
Sex is not beautiful in anyway whatsoever, because it is a bodily function. People do not want to hear that, because it is true. Like eating, urinating, and defecating, these things should be done in private. Yes, eating is a bodily function, and should be done in private, because it is crude. Not all things that we do should be seen publicly, like brushing your teeth. There is modesty and discretion in all good mannered people, and we do not want to stoop down to crudeness.
Pencil Drawing Of Sex Is Not Beautiful #445Z
Above, and below are drawings of beautiful men, in all the glory that God has created them to me, because we are part of nature. As people we are creatures of beauty, and should be upheld as such. For there is nothing in all creation than the human body. However, the act of sex is not a creation, but an activity, thus not to be beheld. Sex is not meant to be seen or beheld, but rather to enjoyed individually.
The Church set up an image of a figure like Cardinal Newman, and hold him up for us as mode, because he is a beacon of vision. That is all fine and good but it is what I call the Sweet Mirage, ever so soft, and a gentle swindle. This is nothing but a speck in the vast geodesic prism of human perspective. Faith is based upon fact, not fables, because faith relies on a rational account of habits, and practices. There is no such thing as blind faith, only blind stupidity.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Faith And Deception #450Z
Above is my pen & ink drawing of Jesus with His followers, because this is the false image given to us about Jesus. With all love and kindness the priests, and nuns, raised us as children about the Catholic Church, because they were earnest. This is the sad commentary, because they were kind, and well intended, but just did not know any better.
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Faith and deception #450Z, with pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.