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Human Male Architecture #491Z

Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.

Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans. Order Drawings Here.

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Human Male Architecture

Male To Male Sexual Awareness

Without doubt the human male is the most glorious creature in all creation, because man is the pinnacle of life on earth. This is a simple sketch that is meant to display the male body, because I want to show it’s architectural form. If you look at the center you will see his penis, and scrotum which are placed at the center, because this is the balancing point of the body. The center of gravity for the human male is at his loins, because the legs pivot from there.


The pectorals of the male are strictly for sexual attract of the female, because he need her to copulate. The pectorals are large so that males, and females can fondle them with their hands to arouse erotic stimuli. Male need to fondle other males, because this is the rule of nature. The male is the dominant, and the beautiful, because it is the rule of Nature.

Sex is a swindle #452Z, with pencil drawings by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Pencil drawing of a young shirtless cowboy with 10-gallon hat by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Gay Cowboy Drawing #488Z

Gay cowboy drawing #488Z, in pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Pencil sketch of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Male Bonding

They are also used to attract the human male for erotic affection, because this stimulates male bonding. Male to male erotic affection is not to be confused with homosexual behavior, because homosexuality compels anal intercourse which is not the rule of Nature. However, male fondling, and mutual erotic simulation is part of male bonding, because it is the rule of Nature. Because sperms travel in schools, and makes all men team. Thus male bonding is all about team, and erotic fondling, and affection, stimulates male bonding.

Gay Cowboy Drawing #486Z

Gay Cowboy Drawing #477Z

Male To Male Sexual Stimuli

Men need to have sex with other men, because it is the rule of nature. The more male to male sex that you have makes you a better love, because it develops your sexual persona. The artist Bartolomeo Manfredi knew this, and made it manifest in his painting Cupid Chastised. See my article on this here.

Cupid Chastised By Bartolomeo Manfredi

Male To Male Sexual Intercourse

If male to male sexual response gets very intense then it naturally leads to sexual intercourse, because it is the rule of nature. However, since the male anus does not lead to a placenta there will be not offspring. Gay male sexual activity is healthy, because this is the rule of nature.

Gay Male Sexual Activity

Men need to engage often in intense sexual activity with each other, because this reduces stress. Gay male sexual activity enhances their sexual persona, because the can then better procreate with the female. Thus, gay male sexual activity needs to be encouraged, and promoted, because it is the rule of nature.

Male Passes Seed Of Life

From the loins up you will see very complex body structure, because the male is the beauty of humanity. The female is homely and plain, because the female is not supposed to display any beauty. Only the male is to display beauty so as to draw the attention of the female, because this is the rule of Nature. All beauty is based on the male in all species, not the female, because the male passes the seed of life.

Human Male Architecture #491Z

Above is my sketch of a young man posed in a sort of pirouette manner to display his body parts. The contour lines on the outside of the drawing define the limits of his body, because the shadow lines can cause confusion.

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Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

Male Beauty #446Z

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #488Z

Gay cowboy drawing #488Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Gay cowboy drawing #488Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.

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Gay Cowboy Drawing

Rugged Herdsman

This is the finish drawing from the previous sketch on Post #487Z, because this is a study. This drawing has contour lines that clearly define the subject, because delineation brings out character.

Gay Cowboy Drawing #488Z

This drawing is based on the sketch of the post mentioned above, because that was the foundation drawing. This drawing is the capturing of the image of the subject, because it remains unclear until delineated. I have made good use of the shade, and shadows, because this marks clarity in the body physique. The shading is high contrast in nature, because there is no soft change of tone.

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Gay cowboy drawing #488Z, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #487Z

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #487Z

Gay cowboy drawing #487Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Gay cowboy drawing #487Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.

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Gay Cowboy Sketch

Man On The Move

This rugged cowboy is older, because he is in his thirties. This hot cowboy is wearing mud flaps on his jeans, because it shows him working on the field. He is carrying a stirrup, because it is pulled over his shoulder. The shadows on his body cover his face, because of the sized of his hat.


The 10-galllon hat is almost storeroom perfect, because it is perfectly curved on each side. The hat is perfectly set on his head, because it is even on side to side. The shape of his hat is proportionate to his head, because it tapers evenly at the center.


This rugged gay cowboy is shirtless and with pride shows his beautiful chest, because his pectorals are well shaped. Because he is good looking, he has taken off his shirt. He is a hot shirtless cowboy, because they bring out the essence of manhood. He is walking quietly, because his mouth is closed. This cowboy is focused on his job, because he is not looking at you. This drawing is good, because I use few lines to capture the image.

Gay Cowboy Drawing #487Z

The cowboy is wearing his 10-gallon hat with pride, as it covers his forehead. He has a strong look on his face, because his expression is firm. He is waling right at us, because we are in front of him. There are no contour lines, because the drawing is not done. Contour lines are employed at the end of the drawing, because they are the finishing detail.


Adding to his masculine persona, is his chiseled torso, which look like it was carved by Michelangelo, because it makes him look like the statue of David. His physique is perfect, because he works outside.

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Gay cowboy drawing #487Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #486Z

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Gay Cowboy Pen&Ink #481Z

Pen & ink drawing of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries.

Gay cowboy pen&ink #481Z, drawing with pencil contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.

Image of a chain link with text.
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Gay Cowboy Pen & Ink Drawing

Rugged Herdsman

This pen & ink drawing is in two parts, because I want to show how I achieved the final product. Above is my pen & ink drawing of the cowboy, based on my pencil sketch below it. I have made this a contour drawing rather than a fine detailed rendering, because the photo that I am working from has little clarity in it. I like to use photos as prompts, and not straight-jackets. As an artist I need the freedom to express the image in terms that have meaning to me, because I do not want to replicate photos.

Gay Cowboy Pencil Drawing

Below is my sketch of the gay cowboy that I used as my foundation of the work, because I use this as a guide. This is the basement of the house, and the pen & ink is the superstructure of the work of art. Because the pencil rendering is simple, it makes it easier to draw the pen & ink, because it offers flexibility. If I were to draw the pencil sketch tightly I would be confined to that form. The ink gently flows over the pencil, because there are loose lead lines all over to work from.

Pencil drawing of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren, with prints & scans.
Pencil drawing of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries

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Gay cowboy pen&ink #481Z, drawing with pencil, and prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

Gay Cowboy Drawing #480Z

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #480Z

Pencil portrait of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren, with prints and scans.

Gay cowboy drawing #480Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.

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Gay Cowboy Drawing

Cowboy Portrait

This is a pencil drawing of a young gay cowboy looking for action, because he is ready to play. This is a common theme in the hookup scene, because it offers the thrill of the unknown. The eyes in the shadows give away this message, because he is looking right at you. The shading adds a bit of mystery, like that of Scheherazade, because he wants to keep you in his spell.

Gay Cowboy Drawing #480Z

The rendering of the drawing doew not reproduce as well as I would like, because the scanning exaggerates the darkness of the lines. In reality, the drawing is lighter, because I have not used strong lines.

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Gay cowboy drawing #480Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #479Z

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #475Z

Gay cowboy drawing #475Z, in pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Gay cowboy drawing #475Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.

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Gay Cowboy Drawing

Virile Herdsman

This drawing is a continuation of post #466Z, because this is an instructional series. As you can see from the drawing above, I have finished the outline of his torso, because I want a complete torso image of the cowboy. He has a very handsome face, that is complimented by his beautiful pectorals.

Pencil Drawing

Gay Cowboy Drawing #475Z

The cowboy is looking right at you as he fiddles with his hands, because he is gay, and wants to be with you. What happens upon any kind of meeting is left for the imagination. However, like all sexual encounters there are almost an infinite amount of variables that come into play before any kind of serious contact ever takes place. By and large most gay sexual stimuli is through media, and imagery, not real contact. I highly discourage sexual hookups, because they are dangerous.

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Gay cowboy drawing #475Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #466Z

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Gay Cowboy Drawing #465Z

Pencil drawing of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Gay cowboy drawing #465Z, pencil sketch with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.

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Prints & Scans Order Here.

Gay Cowboy Drawing #465Z

Shirtless Herdsman

Above is my pencil drawing of a rugged gay cowboy, because he is walking alone in the hot planes. This fine gay man is a beautiful specimen of male beauty, because he knows how to display his torso. He has covered his left shoulder with gear just exposing enough to strike interest. I have darkened his outline with firm contour lines, but not too strongly. I like this pose because it is full body, rather than just a torso.

Pencil Drawing

The drawing is nicely detailed to show his six pack abdomen and rugged pectorals. The cowboy is all man, and all delight to look at. The large 10-gallon hat ads to his allure, because it nicely hides his face as he is walking towards you. The overalls that cover his jeans make for nice shadowing on the right side, where his shirt is tucked under his belt.

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Gay cowboy drawing #000Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

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Shirtless Gay Cowboy #464Z

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Shirtless Gay Cowboy #464Z

Pen & ink drawing of a shirtless gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Shirtless gay cowboy #464Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Order Here.

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Shirtless Gay Cowboy

Erotic Herdsman

This handsome youth is a wonderful display of the erotic western male, because he has his shirt off, and is giving you the look of invitation. Straight men look at this virile image of a proud gay youth with envy, because they know inside that they want to be like him. This is essentially a simple contour line drawing, with minimal shade, and shadows, because of the bold outline.

Shirtless Gay Cowboy #464Z Pencil Drawing

Below is my preliminary pencil sketch of the cowboy, because I wanted this to be a nice loose study. My intention for the drawing was for sheer pleasure. I had no intention of doing a precise rendering, with all the perfect lines, and shadows, because I just wanted to relax. Just the follow of the ink from the pen on to the paper was the exercise that I need at this hour.

Pencil drawing of a shirtless gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Pencil drawing of a shirtless gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.

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Shirtless gay cowboy #464Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist

Male Beauty #446Z

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Male Beauty #446Z

Shirtless Straight Cowboy #442Z, or bare-chested herdsman pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, offering prints, and scans.

Male Beauty #446Z, with pen & ink, and pencil portraits, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries with LBGTQ honored gay prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #445Z ~ Order Here.

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From the fish in the sea, to the birds in the air, it is Nature’s decree that the male is most fair. ~ Stephen F. Condren

Male Beauty

From The Fish In The Sea, To The Birds In The Air, It Is Nature’s Decree That The Male Is Most Fair

If you are a man, and you want to make your straight buddy uncomfortable in a hurry, just tell him that “The guy who just walked in is really cute”, and you will see him squirm! Why? Because deep inside, your buddy knows it, and does not want to let the cat out of the bag. This fact is true of all men, in all cultures, and of all races, because men are far more beautiful than women. More importantly, the male gender is the fair gender, not the female.

Physiologic Architecture

The male, unlike the female possesses a magnificent architecture, because his muscles, skeleton, and physique sculpt a structurally sound design. Whereas the female has a wobbly form, accented with saggy tits, and flabby hips, that offers little. This is because to have the female the equal in beautify with the male would cause a visual, and social conflict, because the male is the dominant gender of the species by the rule of Nature. It is the male that mounts, and penetrates the female, because the male passes on the seed of life.


In Western Culture, and many others, we have been brainwashed, swindled if you will, to believe a lie. For it is the rule of Nature that the male gender in all species is the beautiful, and fair specimen. Men of society uphold the female as the fair sex, because they desire them for sexual satisfaction. Thus to uphold another man as beautiful creates a conflict in their mind, that is wrong, because the ploy of upholding of female beauty is to focus on sexual intercourse so as to procreate. Masking the truth, and living the lie of female beauty is a tawdry swindle, that cheapens the glory of Nature’s greatest creation, which is of course, the human male.

Schools Of Sperm

However, there is no need to worry, because men are meant to bond by the rule of Nature. This is why men like sports, and huddles, because they are team like the school of sperms swimming to the egg. Male bonding stems from our primordial sperm team, and poses no threat to male sexual encounters. Therefore, the next time that your buddy tells you that the guy that just walked in is cute, agree with him! Because he is offering you respect, and friendship which is the greatest treasure of all.

Pen & Ink Drawing Of Male Beauty #446Z

Above, and below are my drawings of beautiful men, the glory of Nature, for all men, and women to behold and enjoy. There is no need for men to be afraid to enjoy the image of male beauty, because it only enhances their standing. It is far better to be beautiful than ugly, because we all strive for beauty.

Pen & ink drawing of a nude male looking down.
Pen & ink drawing of a nude male figure looking down by artist Stephen F. Condren for “Male Figures Pen & Ink” and post #023 and file 1000.
Photograph of a male and female peacock.
Photograph of a male and female peacock, demonstrating the glory of male beauty.

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Male Beauty #446Z, with pen & ink drawings by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Sex Is Not Beautiful, Men Are #445Z

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Sir Robert Loescher #444Z

Sir Robert Loescher #444Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren, with LGBTQ Gay prints, and scans.

Sir Robert Loescher #444Z, with pen & ink, and pencil portraits, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries. Sir Robert was a Professor of Art History at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. LGBTQ Gay prints & scans. Prints & Scans Of This Portrait #000Z ~ Order Here.

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Sir Robert Loescher

Professor Of Art History, School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago

Sir Robert Loescher was the Professor of Art History at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, because of his outstanding scholarship, and profound learning. I was fortunate to be able to take a number of his courses, because there filled up quickly, due to demand. Sir was a proud Gay GLBTQ man, and held in honor by all, because he was a most honorable man.

Pen & Ink Drawing Of Sir Robert Loescher #444Z

Above is a pen & ink drawing that I have done of Sir Robert, because I want to always remember him. Of the many things that I can say, that would fill books, I would like to make reference to his lecture on Cupid Chastised, by Bartolomeo Manfredi.

Cupid Chastised

In one of the many fine and outstanding tours that Sir Robert gave to we students in the galleries of the Art Institute of Chicago, on one occasion we stopped in front of the Old Masters. This gallery was at that time located at the font and center of the Michigan Avenue building, and the Assumption of the Virgin was dead center. To the immediate right of the Assumption was Cupid Chastised. Sir Robert had us gather around him and the painting and then asked us to comment on it.

The Lecture

As young students, that did not know any better, so we gave answers that seemed solid and sensible for Baroque Art, with mythological themes. However, when we finished, he very gently and with stealth opened the conversation to the underlying meaning of the painting. The veneer of the painting was about Roman mythology. However, the substance of the work was about Homoerotic Sadomasochistic Gay Art. As Sir Robert talked, it all became so clear, and we were amazed. At the bottom of this article is a link to my article about this famous painting.

Stephen F. Condren

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Sir Robert Loescher #444Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren, with LGBTQ Gay prints, and scans.

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Homoerotic Sadomasochistic Gay Art & Incest, Cupid Chastised By Bartolomeo Manfredi, A Gay Love Story #438Z