Denny Chimes #754A, pencil drawing, which is a stylus sketch, which is for sale here, at discount with prints by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans.
Preliminary Sketch
Below is the preliminary sketch that I did from the available photos of the campanile tower. I used a few photos of the tower because I did not want to do a straight on shot. However, the angle shots that were available online were too steep, so I hand to put them all together in my head so as to make the proper perspective of Denny Chimes.
Village Press
This is truly a lovely monument and I am indebted to Patsy Howard of Village Press of Mountain Brook, Alabama, for bring this to my attention. Patsy is a lovely and gracious lady that really knows and understands the printing business. If you have any printing needs, she is the lady to call.

Finished Rendering for Denny Chimes #754A
Below is the finished pencil rendering of Denny Chimes, University of Alabama. Because Denny Chimes is great, it’s prints are great!

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Denny Chimes #754A pencil landmark drawing of a carillon bell tower.
Because the finished rendering is darker it is better for reproduction. The preliminary sketch was good for getting the size and proportions of the structure in order. However, it is far too light to be easily seen on any kind of note card or advertising material.
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