Chicago skyline 160A pencil cityscape drawing is popular because of it’s view of the lagoon in Lincoln Park, and the print is matted 11″x14″.
This rendering is by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries.

This cityscape rendering is looking south over the lagoon in Lincoln Park. The time of day is in the morning because you can see the shade on the right side of the trees. Clear sunshine makes it easy to draw shadows because overcast light is dull.
Lincoln Park
Pencil cityscape renderings have a warmth about them that is often missing in architectural drawings. All of the lines on the buildings are soft and carefully rendered, because I want their form to be elegant. A razor sharp line can be cold and never ending with endless detailing. The soft lines of the 6B lead make the lines soft and easy to look at. It is not my intention to do architectonic renderings, but rather beautiful works of art and expression. There is little expression in anything that is clinical.
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Chicago skyline 160A pencil cityscape drawing with a view of the lagoon in Lincoln Park.
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