Chicago “L” train 260A interior with passengers pen & ink city scene drawing by Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC.

City Scene
This city scene rendering shows the Howard Street “L” train interior with passengers aboard. It is late in the afternoon because the sun is shining in from the right side windows. On the right side is a student from Northwestern University because he is reading a book. This city scene show a new aluminum CTA car because all the seats are new. Vertical and horizontal lines were used to make the drawing because of the holding bars. All along the car security straps are hanging for passenger safety. There are vertical bars placed along the pathway of the car for passenger safety in this city scene rendering. The Howard Street “L” runs from downtown Chicago up north to Evanston, because Howard Street is the border between Evanston and Chicago.
Chicago “L” Train 260A
The city scene drawing is done with pen & ink drawing on paper. A medium sized pen nub was used to create this city scene drawing. Cross-hatched lines were not used in this city scene drawing because they make the images dark. The sun is out and the car is well lit because of the large windows all around. This city scene rendering shows the passengers sitting and reading because no one is talking. I have made sure to make the line work clean and clear because then you can see everything. City scene drawings that have too many lines make the drawing confusing to look at because of all the details. Most city scene drawing use a lot of hatched lines to show the images of the street scenes.
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Chicago “L” train 260A interior with passengers pen & ink city scene drawing by Stephen Condren.
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