Male Beauty #446Z, with pen & ink, and pencil portraits, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries with LBGTQ honored gay prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #445Z ~ Order Here.
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From the fish in the sea, to the birds in the air, it is Nature’s decree that the male is most fair. ~ Stephen F. Condren
Male Beauty
From The Fish In The Sea, To The Birds In The Air, It Is Nature’s Decree That The Male Is Most Fair
If you are a man, and you want to make your straight buddy uncomfortable in a hurry, just tell him that “The guy who just walked in is really cute”, and you will see him squirm! Why? Because deep inside, your buddy knows it, and does not want to let the cat out of the bag. This fact is true of all men, in all cultures, and of all races, because men are far more beautiful than women. More importantly, the male gender is the fair gender, not the female.
Physiologic Architecture
The male, unlike the female possesses a magnificent architecture, because his muscles, skeleton, and physique sculpt a structurally sound design. Whereas the female has a wobbly form, accented with saggy tits, and flabby hips, that offers little. This is because to have the female the equal in beautify with the male would cause a visual, and social conflict, because the male is the dominant gender of the species by the rule of Nature. It is the male that mounts, and penetrates the female, because the male passes on the seed of life.
In Western Culture, and many others, we have been brainwashed, swindled if you will, to believe a lie. For it is the rule of Nature that the male gender in all species is the beautiful, and fair specimen. Men of society uphold the female as the fair sex, because they desire them for sexual satisfaction. Thus to uphold another man as beautiful creates a conflict in their mind, that is wrong, because the ploy of upholding of female beauty is to focus on sexual intercourse so as to procreate. Masking the truth, and living the lie of female beauty is a tawdry swindle, that cheapens the glory of Nature’s greatest creation, which is of course, the human male.
Schools Of Sperm
However, there is no need to worry, because men are meant to bond by the rule of Nature. This is why men like sports, and huddles, because they are team like the school of sperms swimming to the egg. Male bonding stems from our primordial sperm team, and poses no threat to male sexual encounters. Therefore, the next time that your buddy tells you that the guy that just walked in is cute, agree with him! Because he is offering you respect, and friendship which is the greatest treasure of all.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Male Beauty #446Z
Above, and below are my drawings of beautiful men, the glory of Nature, for all men, and women to behold and enjoy. There is no need for men to be afraid to enjoy the image of male beauty, because it only enhances their standing. It is far better to be beautiful than ugly, because we all strive for beauty.

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Male Beauty #446Z, with pen & ink drawings by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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Sex Is Not Beautiful, Men Are #445Z