This is about House portraits #224Z for Realtor closing and settlement gifts, which is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. The perfect closing gift is the gift that keeps on giving and that is a house portrait!
House Portraits Flier ~ PDF

20% off when you order 2 or more!

Nothing is closing to a Realtor’s heart than a referral and an outstanding way to acquire sold consistence referrals is by giving your client a house portrait. These works of art hang on the wall of your clients home for years. Family, neighbors, and friends will see this work of art and mention will be made of you as the Realtor that gave it to them.

As a courtesy to all of my clients I make mention of their sale when I post the image of the house portrait on my Website. My Website has a vast array of contacts made possible through Google+, Facebook, and Twitter. When I send a post it goes everywhere, and my client’s contact information is on the post for all to see.