This article is about watercolor house portrait #302Z, of a property sold by Broker Cindy Kief, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery ~ the house portrait is done first as a pencil drawing and then a pen & ink, which comes with JPEG & PDF scans for making prints, note cards, and stationery. Congratulations Cindy Kief!
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Cindy Kief
Associate Broker
The Cindy Kief Team #1 Team Company Wide 2017
Chairman Elite
William Raveis Legends Realty
68 Main St.
Irvington, NY 10533
914-772-7880 mobile
Property Sold
25 Ridgeview Road, Irvington, New York

Pencil Drawing For Watercolor House Portrait #302Z
- Clinker Stylus Sketch
The pencil drawing below shows the basic outline of the house. I really liked this view of the home because of the angle and most Importantly, because of the fabulous tree! The landscaping is outstanding and I so wanted to capture it.
The large stone as the bottom of the photo make for an excellent support to the large tree above and the house. Because of the large stones, the trees is permitted to show the glory of it’s posture as it leads you to the entrance of the house.
The pencil sketch is the most important step in the creation of a house portrait, as it is putting the foundation together.

Pen & Ink Drawing
- Stylus Sketch
The pen & ink drawing below show the delineation of the house. If you look closely you can see the address “25” in the driveway light. Underneath the ink you can see the outlines of the pencil sketch.
As always there are adjustments to be made. For example; I removed leaves from the tree that were blocking the view of the house. Also, I had to move the lamp post to the right so as not to block the front window.

- Painting
The watercolor rendering below is the finished product. This brings together the pencil, pen & ink, and color.

Scans of watercolor house portrait #302Z are available in JPEG or PDF formats for making prints, note cards, or posters.
Condren Galleries Ltd. For Watercolor House Portrait
- Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the execution of watercolor house portrait #302Z.
Stephen F. Condren for watercolor house portrait #302Z
- Artist
As an artist I have made watercolor house portrait #302Z a staple of my architectural rendering works.
Alt Image Tag
Watercolor house portrait #302Z pen & ink drawing with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
House Portraits

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House Portraits #300Z