Stock market architecture #621Z or stock market forecast charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with prints, and scans predicting future stock market moves. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #621Z ~ Order Here.
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Stock Market Architecture
Stock Market Analysis
From my drawing above you can see the solution to the FOMC announcement of last week, which has now been absorbed into the market as it continues it’s long, and deep downward path to the 1,800 level. It is most important when doing forecast charts to take into account the relationship between the small current domes of the active market, with the first echelon that supports them below.
Pencil Rendering
The pencil rendering of the market clealy show the large deformed dome made by the FOMC announcement, Because it is out of scale with the other domes.
Meta Description
Stock market architecture #621Z or stock market forecast charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren with prints & scans predicting future moves.
Alt Image Tag
Stock market architecture #621Z or stock market forecast charts by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Image Location
Prints, StockMarket, Dome Architecture, Date
The charts that are used are from, with many thanks.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist