Weightlifter 420A, male torso figure pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen Condren, as seen on

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Weightlifter 420A, male torso figure pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen Condren.
Meta Description
Weightlifter 420A, male torso figure pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen Condren, matted white in the size of 11″ x 14″.
Figure Drawing Genres
Below are three links to genres of figure drawing genres that I have done to help you understand my process:
- Pen & Ink sketch & wash: Â #2835A
- Color & lead pencil illustrations: Â #312A
- Watercolors and tempera: Â #1253A
This figure drawing is of a body builder’s torso. I took it from a photo on Quora that appealed to me. I liked the high contrasting images with the lighting falling on the skin and muscle lines.
Weightlifter 420A
The rendering of the this weight lifter shows the power of his body. His muscles are flexed in every way to show you how formidable that he is. By not having a head the image looks even more imposing, sort of like a reverse Venus de Milo, all arms and no head.
Drawing Characteristics
Characteristics of this figure drawing are the hatched and cross-hatched lines in the rendering. The drawing is very dark and imposing which is the reason that I did it. The close-up view of this torso makes you stand back and take awe of this commanding figure.
Photographs & Image
Photos can be found on the Internet by searching for body builders and weight lifters.
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