Chicago skyline 193A pen & ink cityscape drawing by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC.

This cityscape drawing is a view of east Randolph Street, because of the Aon Center. These skyscrapers are the tallest outside of the Loop, because some are over 1,000 feet tall. In this cityscape drawing I have made extensive use of hatched lines. I use hatched line for both vertical and horizonal detailing. I do not make use of any cross-hatched lines, because I want this cityscape drawing to be clear.
Chicago skyline 193A
The cityscape drawing is show in the day time along Lake Michigan. Burnham Harbor is the body of water at the bottom of the drawing. This area is popular because of the tall buildings. East Randolph Street is home of the Prudential Building and Pru-2, which are very tall buildings. The Aon Center is 80 stories tall and the tallest building on east Randolph. To the right is the new Vista Luxury High Rise Building which is the tallest building in this cityscape drawing.
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Chicago skyline 193A pen & ink cityscape drawing by artist Stephen Condren.
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