Chicago skyline 165A pen & ink cityscape drawing is popular because of the silhouette image.
Chicago skyline 165Â by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries.

This cityscape rendering is a study in high contrast art, because there are no graduated tones. The closest element to this cityscape that is a graduated tone is the use of closer lines together to make intensity. There is no use of cross-hatching at all, because they can make the cityscape too dark. intensity in the cityscape can be attained with close and thin lines of ink. Hatching is the key shading cityscapes.
The image of this cityscape takes the form of a silhouette, because it is an outline of the city. As you can see the image of the former John Hancock Center dominates the center of the drawing. At the base of the cityscape rendering is the walk with ropes keeping pedestrians from the edge of the waterfront. You can see the movement on the water in this cityscape drawing. The more movement you have the better the design of the landscape becomes.
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Chicago skyline 165A pen & ink cityscape drawing as a silhouette image of the near north side.
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