Keeping The Faith #468Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Order Pen & Inks Here.
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Keeping The Faith
Feeble Theology
The concept of “Keeping the faith” is pure rubbish, and should be done away with, because it is bad Theology. In fact it is no Theology, it is a phrase groping in the dark seeking a meaning. What people are really saying is “Keep up our way of thinking”, or variations on that theme, which is a tawdry, and inept statement, for it makes you narrow from the start, and prevents you from opening up your mind, and life to newer, and greater experiences.
This is because human thought patterns are based on codes, similar to that of an oak leaf, or sea shell. Thus it is very difficult to almost impossible to operate outside of this code. Therefore, to “Keep the faith” is merely a response to keep your thought processes within your given code.
Pen & Ink Drawing
Keeping The Faith #468Z
Above is my pen & ink drawing of Golgotha, where Jesus hangs with the two thieves, because it is recorded in the Bible. However, this is all speculation, with not substantive facts to support it. Most probably there was a Jesus, and most probably He was crucified, but that is it. The rest of the story is not based on facts, and therefore, cannot offer theories. For Theory is Science, and Science is fact base, because this is the rule of Nature.
Keeping The Faith #468Z
You cannot have any Theology at all, because it is not fact based. Thus, there is no Theology, but rather scholars, and clergymen talking about God that is infested with their opinion. For none of what any Theologian says is theoretical because it is not fact base. From St. Augustine, to David Tracy, you have mere men speculating on the concepts of God, knowing nothing, and offering less.

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Keeping the faith #468Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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