Human male design #458Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren #458Z, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Order Drawings Here
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Human Male Design
The Architecture Of The Human Male
Human sexuality is based upon beauty, because it is in demand. The purpose of sex is to protect the seed, because this safeguards the species. Sexual desire is developed through beauty, because beauty requires structure. Male architecture is designed to evoke the desire for beauty, so as to develop male bonding.
Male Bonding
Sex is meant to develop male bonding, because it brings men together. Males carry the seed of life that have to be protected, because this insures the life of the species. Like an army, the bonding of human males protects the team, because it builds up the team members. Male bonding is only made possible through the ointment of sex, because men need to huddle as team players that manifest male bonding.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Name #450Z
The beauty of the architecture of the human male works to attract the sexual appetite of both males, and females, because this is the rule of Nature. The demand of nature is the creation of offspring, and this is done through sexual intercourse between a male and female. The drawing above show the beauty of the human male which is meant to be pleasing and comely, because he is handsome.
Therefor the beauty of the human male serves as the agent of male bonding, and species procreation through sexual intercourse with females, because this is the rule of nature.
Female Are Mandated To Be Plain
The rule of nature demands the female to be simple, and plain, because it will interfere with male beauty. All attention should be focused on male beauty, because this is the rule of Nature. Females are not meant to be admired or even looked at because they are plain, because this is the rule of Nature. All males, of all species are the fair sex, because this is the rule of Nature.
Males Desire Males
The human male naturally desire sexual relations with other human males, because this is the rule of Nature. Bartolomeo Manfredi understood this, because he painted it in Cupid Chastised.
Cupid Chastised By Bartolomeo Manfredi
Males Are Dominant
Since males are dominant they are beautiful, because that is the rule of Nature. Like right hand or left hand dominance makes you able to write, because this is the rule of Nature. Dominance brings out beauty, because this is the rule of Nature.
Dominant Male
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Human Male Design #458Z, pencil drawings by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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