This article is about Madison skyline drawing #317Z, of, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery ~ the rendering is done first as a pencil sketch, then followed by the finished work of art, which comes with JPEG & PDF scans for making prints, note cards, and stationery. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #340Z ~ Order Here.
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Madison skyline drawing #317Z
Wisconsin State Capital.
Pencil Rendering For Madison skyline drawing #317Z
- Clinker Stylus Sketch
This pen & ink drawing of the city of Madison, Wisconsin, is from Lake Monona. We are looking to the northwest along the shoreline. In the background of the skyline you can see the dome of the State Capital Building. This building is one of the tallest domes in the United States. The Capital building is the tallest building in Madison, and laws have been passed forbidding any building to be taller than the pillars that support the dome.
Scans of Madison skyline drawing #317Z are available in JPEG or PDF formats for making prints, note cards, or posters.
Condren Galleries Ltd. For Madison skyline drawing #317Z
Male Figure Drawing #317Z As Fine Art
- Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the execution of Madison skyline drawing #317Z.
Stephen F. Condren For Madison skyline drawing #317Z
Madison skyline drawing #317Z As Figure Drawing
- Artist
As an artist I have made Madison skyline drawing #317Z a staple of my figure drawing art.
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Madison skyline drawing #317Z with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.