Male figures, and figure drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery with LGBTQ endorsed gay prints, and scans. The drawings of young men in pencil, pen & ink, and charcoal, by artist Stephen F. Condren. The focus of most of the drawing are young men in the prime with good physiques. Most of the drawings are in pen & ink and pencil, with an emphasis on contour lines.
Pencil drawing of a shirtless cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Delineation #497Z, drawing with pencil contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
Delineation is everywhere, and all pervasive, which permeates everything, because it is the rule of Nature. Galaxies are formed by the code of their patterns that stem from their core, radiating via rays that delineate their shape. The pattern of the conch shell is delineated by the pattern emitting from its core. All things boil down to the line, and when you capture the line you rule the world, for that is the rule of Nature.
Pencil Rendering For Delineation #497Z
In my rendering above of the gay shirtless cowboy you can see lines that are delineating the shading on his face, because lines hold the truth. When we look at perspective Architectural Renderings we see how the lines have delineated the pattern of the building.
Motion pictures are the substance of delineation, because they are based on the storyline. A storyline is line, which is a delineation, which in turn is a rendering! Thus, all things boil down to the all pervasive line.
Dominant males #496Z, drawing with pencil contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
Architecture is dominant, because it is the rule of Nature. Like architecture, the human male is dominant, because he is beautiful, and strong. Dominance is the key to success in all things, because it is the rule of Nature. From the dominance of your favored hand, to driving on the left or right side, dominance is required, because it keeps you in focus.
Pencil Rendering For Dominant Male
Above is my rendering of a sexy dominant male, because he is shirtless, and virile. His image conveys strength, courage, and fortitude, which are trades of dominance, because they make things work. You cannot drive a car from the middle because you become a ninny, and loose focus, because you have no dominant trait to hold you firmly. Dominance offers safety, and security, because that is the rule of Nature.
Sexual Dominance
It is the male that possesses the seed of life, that sexually dominates, and pernitrates the female, because that is the rule of Nature. The female is not capable of dominating the male, for she is vaginal in design, and concept, which is the rule of Nature. Further, the female has no beauty, as it is her task to bare offspring, because this is the rule of Nature.
Gay Male Sex
The best sexual practice is male to male sex, for it is the rule of Nature. Males are designed with flat torsos that fit together when kissing, and hugging, because this is the rule of Nature. Men should only kiss men, never women, for it is the rule of Nature. Kissing is meant strictly for male bonding, for it is the rule of Nature. Male to male sex enhances sexual persona, which is the rule of Nature. Above all, male to male sex enhances male bonding, because this is the rule of Nature.
Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans. Order Drawings Here.
Without doubt the human male is the most glorious creature in all creation, because man is the pinnacle of life on earth. This is a simple sketch that is meant to display the male body, because I want to show it’s architectural form. If you look at the center you will see his penis, and scrotum which are placed at the center, because this is the balancing point of the body. The center of gravity for the human male is at his loins, because the legs pivot from there.
The pectorals of the male are strictly for sexual attract of the female, because he need her to copulate. The pectorals are large so that males, and females can fondle them with their hands to arouse erotic stimuli. Male need to fondle other males, because this is the rule of nature. The male is the dominant, and the beautiful, because it is the rule of Nature.
Pencil drawing of a young shirtless cowboy with 10-gallon hat by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Pencil sketch of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Male Bonding
They are also used to attract the human male for erotic affection, because this stimulates male bonding. Male to male erotic affection is not to be confused with homosexual behavior, because homosexuality compels anal intercourse which is not the rule of Nature. However, male fondling, and mutual erotic simulation is part of male bonding, because it is the rule of Nature. Because sperms travel in schools, and makes all men team. Thus male bonding is all about team, and erotic fondling, and affection, stimulates male bonding.
Men need to have sex with other men, because it is the rule of nature. The more male to male sex that you have makes you a better love, because it develops your sexual persona. The artist Bartolomeo Manfredi knew this, and made it manifest in his painting Cupid Chastised. See my article on this here.
If male to male sexual response gets very intense then it naturally leads to sexual intercourse, because it is the rule of nature. However, since the male anus does not lead to a placenta there will be not offspring. Gay male sexual activity is healthy, because this is the rule of nature.
Gay Male Sexual Activity
Men need to engage often in intense sexual activity with each other, because this reduces stress. Gay male sexual activity enhances their sexual persona, because the can then better procreate with the female. Thus, gay male sexual activity needs to be encouraged, and promoted, because it is the rule of nature.
Male Passes Seed Of Life
From the loins up you will see very complex body structure, because the male is the beauty of humanity. The female is homely and plain, because the female is not supposed to display any beauty. Only the male is to display beauty so as to draw the attention of the female, because this is the rule of Nature. All beauty is based on the male in all species, not the female, because the male passes the seed of life.
Human Male Architecture #491Z
Above is my sketch of a young man posed in a sort of pirouette manner to display his body parts. The contour lines on the outside of the drawing define the limits of his body, because the shadow lines can cause confusion.
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Human male architecture #491Z, pencil drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with gay LGBTQ approved prints, and scans.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Looking backwards #472Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #472A ~ Order Here.
The path to success in all things is to look forward not backwards, because the future is before all of us. The greatest loss that all of humanity makes is looking to the past, and upholding it for the future. Thus, immediately blinding themselves for future vision. The best path to take is the one that is advancing, because any other will lead you astray.
Looking Backwards #472Z
Looking Backwards #472Z Pen & Ink Drawing
Above is my pen & ink drawing of a naked man looking backwards, symbolizing my point, because he is looking the wrong way. Take the key points from those of the past, and build upon them. For example, only a fool would pick up the Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant, like it was hot off of the press. Much has happened since the critique that Kant was not aware of. Since then we have learned of the laws of Genetics, and of the subconscious, the Relativity. How can I seriously look to a person for answers that are clearly not working for today? It is right, and good to look at them as a reference, because they offer things that are in reference to their time. However, the best practice is to abstract from theses men and build cases for today, because that offers solutions for the future.
The same is true in all things, because you will always advance by looking ahead. As an artist I would never draw like Rembrandt, because we see things differently than I do now. As a teacher, I would never teach based on rules of the past, because they do not address the needs of new research of today. I would never read the Bible like it was just printed, because it is very out dated. After reading Albert Schweitzer, and Rudolph Bultmann, only a fool would read the Bible literally. My points go on, and on, because they point to the future. Adam & Eve are mythology, not Science.
To look back at the accomplishments of those who proceeded us is necessary for understanding key points that they have taught us, because these elements are enduring. However, contemporary society does not grasp this, and wrongly takes in the baby with the bath water only to make a mess. People worship the past in foolishness, because it offers less each passing day. Take the good from the past and say thank, and nothing more, because then you are paying homage.
Bartolomeo Manfredi knew, and understood this, and brilliantly worked it out, with genius, in his famous painting Cupid Chastised. My study of this great worked is linked here.
Gay cowboy drawing #488Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
This is the finish drawing from the previous sketch on Post #487Z, because this is a study. This drawing has contour lines that clearly define the subject, because delineation brings out character.
Gay Cowboy Drawing #488Z
This drawing is based on the sketch of the post mentioned above, because that was the foundation drawing. This drawing is the capturing of the image of the subject, because it remains unclear until delineated. I have made good use of the shade, and shadows, because this marks clarity in the body physique. The shading is high contrast in nature, because there is no soft change of tone.
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Gay cowboy drawing #488Z, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Gay cowboy drawing #486Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #000Z ~ Order Here.
This beautiful young man is looking right at you, because he wants you! Can you turn him down? This fun, and relaxed sketch of a handsome gay cowboy is one of many that I have been working on, because I enjoy the western theme, and love and respect all gay men.
Gay Cowboy Drawing #486Z
The drawing is quick and casual, as is the pose of the cowboy, because it is a light hearted scene. There is a smile on his face, and a cheerfully look in his eyes, because he sees you! I have kept the details to a minimum so that I could focus on the contour of his face. It is easy to loose the beauty of this young with adding too many line, because the line cause confusion.
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Gay cowboy drawing #486Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Gay cowboy pen&ink #481Z, drawing with pencil contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
This pen & ink drawing is in two parts, because I want to show how I achieved the final product. Above is my pen & ink drawing of the cowboy, based on my pencil sketch below it. I have made this a contour drawing rather than a fine detailed rendering, because the photo that I am working from has little clarity in it. I like to use photos as prompts, and not straight-jackets. As an artist I need the freedom to express the image in terms that have meaning to me, because I do not want to replicate photos.
Gay Cowboy Pencil Drawing
Below is my sketch of the gay cowboy that I used as my foundation of the work, because I use this as a guide. This is the basement of the house, and the pen & ink is the superstructure of the work of art. Because the pencil rendering is simple, it makes it easier to draw the pen & ink, because it offers flexibility. If I were to draw the pencil sketch tightly I would be confined to that form. The ink gently flows over the pencil, because there are loose lead lines all over to work from.
Pencil drawing of a gay cowboy by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries
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Gay cowboy pen&ink #481Z, drawing with pencil, and prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Gay cowboy drawing #479Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
This handsome young cowboy is happy to see you, because he has a surprise for you. Now it is up to you to see what that surprise is, because you are looking at him! This is the portrait of a young gay cowboy that is in shadow, because his hat is blocking his face. I have made use of cross-hatching to make the shade and shadows, because they are more precise. This comes from my training as a draftsman in my youth, using a T-Square, and ruler.
Gay Cowboy Drawing #479Z
The lines in the drawing are stronger with a bolder contour than the earlier drawings. I wanted to focus more on the detail of his face. This image is softer revealing more of his light hearted character, which pours through the lead pencil image.
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Gay cowboy drawing #479Z, in pencil, with prints & scans, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Gay cowboy drawing #477Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
This drawing is the completion of Post #476Z, and the last of this series, because the rendering is finished. This very handsome, and sexy cowboy is all that you can ask for in a beautiful male, because he is proportioned handsomely. The most pleasing things to me with this fine young cowboy are his beautiful face, and fabulous pectorals. The architecture of his chest is exquisite, and a joy to look at. One could easily look at his pectorals for hours, as I have done with this drawing, because they are so beautiful.
Gay Cowboy Drawing #477Z
This final phase of the drawing has made emphasis of the contour lines, and shading, because these elements bring out the perspective of his figure. I was playing with the idea of shading the background to compliment the tones on his body, because he looks so rugged.
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Gay cowboy drawing #477Z, in pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Gay cowboy drawing #476Z, in pencil with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Order Here.
In this third phase, I am getting closer to completion, because there are four phases to the series. As you can see I have added more shadowing to the figure, because I wanted to bring out his physique.
Gay Cowboy Drawing #476Z
It is not my intent to replicate images, and photos, for that is slavery, because there is no creativity in that process. Rather, I like to abstract my interpretation of the image before me, be it a real model, a photo, or an image from TV, because I can telling my side of the story of the image. Always remember that TV, and movies are just drawings, because they all are based on the story line. A story line is a delineation, thus a rendering, with is a drawing. Therefore all thing boil down to drawings. My Post #477Z is the last, and final phase of the rendering.
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Gay cowboy drawing #476Z, in pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery