Nude man with towel is a pen & ink figure drawing of a hot boy. Masculine figure has a muscular torso, chiseled six-pack set of abs.
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This figure drawing post is about a review of “Nude Man with Towel Pen & Ink Figure #6001Z.”
Masculine Figure Delineated with Contour & Hatched Lines
Overall Description of the Nude Man with Towel
This masculine figure, figure drawing rendering is a pleasure to write about here. The figure drawing shows a hot young man with hard body and large penis holding a towel because he is taking a shower.
Torso ~ Masculine Figure
Outline ~ Masculine Figure
The torso of this young man is very muscular because he works out. His Linea alba is long and wide and runs down from his pectoralis majors to his pelvis. The Linea semilunaris flanks both sides of his rectus abdominis. His tendinous intersections cross his rectus abdominis to form his six-pack.
I have used contour lines to draw the figure of the torso because they show the outline of the figure.
Fantasy Story About the Torso
Marty loves to work out and exercise because it builds up the muscles of his torso. He goes to the health club and swims in the morning and then heads for the gym where he can lift weights.
Penis ~ Figure
The penis of the young man is large and uncircumcised because he was kept from the surgery. There is a large bush of hair at the base of the shaft of his penis and balls.
I have used contour lines to draw the hairy penis and large balls because they show the outline of the penis and hairy balls.
Fantasy Story About the Penis
His penis is very large and is not circumcised because he was not given that surgery so when he goes out, he keeps his loins covered up.
Head And Face
Outline ~
This young man has a beautiful head and face because he was born that way. He has a full head of hair because it is natural. His mouth is slightly open, and he is looking to his right.
I used contour lines to draw his head and face because they bring out the outline of his beauty.
Fantasy Story About the Hands and Face
Marty is very picky about his looks because he keeps his head and hair very dapper.
Arms And Hands
Outline ~
Fantasy Story About the Arms and Hands
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