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Chateau De Bourneau #363Z

Pen & ink drawing of Chateau De Bourneau by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Chateau De Bourneau #363Z or historic site, pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #363Z ~ Order Here.

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Chateau De Bourneau Pen & Ink Drawing

Historic Site Stylus Sketch

This is an architectural rendering of Chateau De Bourneau done in pen & ink, because this reflects the beauty of the architecture naturally. I came upon this chateau from an article posted on the front of Microsoft Edge, because this is where I read most of my news. Every time that I open Microsoft Edge all the world news, and events are brought right to me, because they are right on top of it all.

Jean-Baptiste & Erin

As an artist and instructor Architecture, and Engineering at both College, and High School levels, I am always interested in preservation articles, because I love architecture. When I saw the image of the chateau with the young couple I took interest and read the story. I was so taken by Jean-Baptiste, and Erin and what they had done, and more importantly, having single handedly rescued an architectural treasure, I drew Jean-Baptiste’s portrait. Now I have done the chateau. The Gois’s have saved this wonderful structure, and are now sharing it with all of us by making it a lovely, and gracious hotel, Chateau De Bourneau. Thank you Jean-Baptiste and Erin!

Preliminary Sketch

Pencil drawing of Chateau De Bourneau by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Pencil drawing of Chateau De Bourneau by artist Stephen F. Condren.

Pencil Rendering

Above is my preliminary pencil sketch of the chateau, because I use this for as a guide for the pen & ink that is to follow. At the top is the finished pen & ink rendering. Directly below is the photo that I worked from to make the rendering.

Photo of Chateau De Bourneau

Meta Description

Chateau De Bourneau #363Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren with prints, and scans.

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Chateau De Bourneau #363Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren with prints.

File Location

Prints, Architecturals, Historic Structures, Chateau De Bourneau, 363Z

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Jean-Baptiste Gois #362Z

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National Mall Watercolors and Prints #004Z

Washington Monument watercolor painting with pen & ink lines.

This article is about National Mall #004Z Watercolors, which are for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. Then National Mall is a host to many famous museums and monuments. Below are some watercolors of the most famous places at the National Mall.

National Mall Watercolors and Prints. Key elements of this work of art are as follows.

  • Color
  • History
  • Landscape

The National Mall is the anchor or even the heart of the Capital of the United States. The Mall runs east and west and near the center is the grand obelisk of the Washington Monument, the world’s tallest obelisk. My interest in the National Mall is doing watercolors and prints of it.

Watercolor painting of the White House in Washington D.C.
Watercolor painting of the White House in Washington D.C.

When considering a site to do drawings and paintings of, consider the follow:

  1. Scale of subject to landscape.
  2. Light and time of day.
  3. Access to visible structural details.

At the east end of the Mall sits the Capital Building on Capital Hill. There are many important building surrounding the Capital but the two most important are the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court, both lie directly east of the Capital Building. In the center of the Mall on Pennsylvania Avenue sits the White House.

Other museums:

Directly on the Washington Mall on the north side nearest Capital Building are the two buildings that form the National Gallery of Art followed by the museum’s gardens. Continuing along the Mall you are at the National Archive and then the Museum of Natural History. On the opposite side to the south lies the National Air And Space Museum and Smithsonian Institute. These cluster of buildings make up the most important section of the Mall with is the educational and historical repositories of the nation’s capital.

At this point you come to a break in the Mall and are standing face to face the Washington Monument. Going past this point to the western side of the Mall are the memorials crowned by the Lincoln Memorial at the head of the west end pond. It has been general held that the Lincoln Memorial is the most beautiful memorial in the Mall for its proportions are exquisite and it follows that same forma as that of the Parthenon in Greece.

Watercolor painting of the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.
Watercolor painting of the Washington Monument in Washington D.C.

Related Links

Manhattan Skyline Watercolor,  Chicago Skyline Watercolors, Philadelphia Skyline Watercolors,

Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist


School of the Art Institute of Chicago ~ BFA