This article is about Paul Tillich & Ultimate Concern has a twist that I would like to touch upon and give clarity to, by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This article is short and to the point. The follow is a quote from page 12 of his Systematic Theology.
“Theology cannot and should not give judgments about the aesthetic value of an artist creation, about the scientific value of a physical theory or a historical conjecture, about the best methods of medical healing or social reconstruction, about the solution of political or international conflicts. The theologian as theologian is no expert in any matters of preliminary concern.”
If this true, then how do we measure Social Justice? Certainly “social reconstruction” is all and part of social reconstruction. If Theology cannot give any judgment on this matter then who can?
- Jesus, a real flesh and blood person, preaching to the people to emancipate Israel from the Romans, and not to found a new religion. He died on the cross, a failure, and did not rise from the dead, or the grave. Jesus is the anthropomorphic element needed to place the crown (stephanos) on.
- Christ, an ethereal Being created by the early Church with aid from Greek Philosophy and Gnosticism, promulgating salvation from death by offering eternal life by having faith in Him.
- St. Stephen the catalyst that brings Jesus and Christ together as one entity being made manifest to the world, being the very essence of the crown of victory, (note all of the parallels between Jesus and St. Stephen. See my article on St. Stephen). Only St. Stephen has the power (Holy Spirit, Acts: 7,55) to bind Jesus and Christ the right hand of God) together to give to the world for all time Jesus Christ, because he is the very crown of victory, hence the name Stephen. Where the dead corps of Jesus leaves the crown of Christ enters. It is the crown (stephanos) that gives life to Christ and secures the newer higher religion. Without the crown there is no Christ, no Christianity, no eternal life, and new world order. Everyone wrongly looks to the sacrificial blood of Christ as the key to salvation, but they are all wrong. For the pascal lamb is dead and offers no life, as proved by the lifeless corps of the animal, and the futile repetition of the lame barbaric sacrifice. There is no life in sheded blood, only death, for when you see blood you see death. The crucifiction was never meant to be seen as a sacrifice for there is no altar and it is not sacred. Rather the crucifiction was a heinous penalty of treason, a proof of failure, and a public disgrace, and a display of male nudity, (Jesus wore no loin cloth), which was an abomination to the Jews and Romans alike. Whereas the crown is blood free, carnal free, and triumphant, and offers life eternal.
- St. Paul, the tool of the early Church to change the failed mission of Jesus and migrates His cause to that of Christ to make sense of it by formulating a newer and higher religion palpable to all peoples.
- There is no Trinity.
The line work for this drawing is very light because Dr. Tillich is older and I worked with a photo that was not as clear as I would have liked.
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Paul Tillich Systematic Theology #6000Z