Chicago skyline #751A pen & ink drawing of the near north side at sunset, which is for sale here, at discount with prints by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. This pen & ink drawing is at early sunset of the near north side of Chicago. The vast about of light is coming in from the right side of the drawing, only to give way to the darkness on the far right. The drawing is a silhouette of the cluster of skyscrapers that more the hub of the near north side. I have made use of fine vertical lines to bring out the forms of the architecture. The clouds loom overhead to the left bringing in the evening sky. Because Chicago skyline #751A is great, it’s prints are great!
875 N. Michigan Avenue (former John Hancock Center) dominates the center of the rendering. To the right of it you can see the cluster of buildings that comprise the near north side. The exception to this is the first “bump” or “nub” just to the right of 875, this is the Aon Center. If you look carefully, you can see the antennae of Trump Tower to the right, the last tall building in the drawing. The other buildings in the Chicago Loop are out side of the picture plane for this rendering.

Key features:
- Tree in the park
- Delineation
- Hatching
When I first commenced this rendering my intention was to make it in the same dark tones as that of Chicago skylines #744 and #748. But as I was drawing the scientific theory of “Luminiferous Aether” kept and me. Aether being the loftiest of the out sky and atmosphere. So with the aether in mind I held off on the darkness and focused on the light. Success! I was so please to put the pen down and just look at the radiant light.
The evening sky is clear.
Scans in PDF and JPEG formats available for Chicago Skyline #751A
JPEG and PDF scan formats for prints, posters, note cards, and graphic art reproductions are available for Chicago Skyline #751A.
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Chicago skyline #751A pen & ink cityscape drawing at sunset on the water.
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