This is about Watercolor house portraits #261Z, pen & ink drawings, which contains two renderings done for Realtor Anne Mayo Ferrante, and written by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Congratulations Anne Mayo Ferrante!
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House Portraits
In this post I have two house portraits that were commissioned by Anne Mayo Ferrante as closing gifts for her clients. Below is her information.
Anne Mayo Ferrante, ABR, PSA
Sales Associate
Kienlen Lattmann Sotheby’s International Realty
68 North Finley Avenue
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920
908.696.8600 (o)
973.214.9841 (c)
Queen Anne Architecture
The first house portrait that you see is the watercolor Queen Anne style home. This is the watercolor that is at the head of the post. I did this watercolor from the MLS link that Anne emailed to me. There were power wires on the left side of the home leading from the entrance to the street. On the right side of the house was a large yellow house of a neighbor. With permission I removed the power wires and put landscaping in place of the yellow house.
It was important to remove both elements as the wires were very distracting to look at, and most unsightly. The neighboring house was yellow, the brightest color in the spectrum, so that had to go, as it was to dominating with it’s strong yellow hues.

Pen & Ink
Above is an image of the pen & ink drawing that I did of the house at the outset. As you can see if you look closely, there are traces of the lead pencil sketch that lies underneath the ink. All of my drawings start out as pencil sketches. After I do the sketch then I apply the ink, and this must be done with care, as ink is very unforgiving. After the ink has dried, for at least a day, I then apply the watercolor. You can do the watercolor immediately after putting down the ink, however, you risk bleeding.

Above is the second of the two watercolor that Anne commissioned of me. This one I took great delight in because it is base on a night scene of the house. As you can see in the watercolor, the sky is dark. The house is illuminated from lights below the windows. If you look at the windows out front, they lighter right below the double windows and then get darker around the sides because the angle of the flood lights point towards the windows.
There are always risks in taking on such a task, but I wanted to do something special for Anne, and this was a great moment. In the MLS list photos the trees behind the house were very dark and unsuitable for a gracious rendering. Therefore, I took liberty to lighten the tone of the trees so as to make them appealing to look upon.

Above is the pen & ink drawing of the red house. As with the other rendering you can see the pencil sketching underneath the ink. I have to draw the pen & ink in such a way as to leave space for the watercolor. If I fill in all the space with ink then it crowds out any change for the watercolors to work their magic. Watercolor need space and light to perform.
Watercolor for watercolor house portraits #261Z
- Painting
This fine watercolor give the viewer a clear understanding of what the house looks like as a watercolor painting.
Pen & Ink Drawing
- Stylus Sketch
The pen & inks are used as stylus sketch to build the foundation of the watercolor rendering that is to follow.
Stephen F. Condren
- Artist
Since High School drafting class at Naperville Central High school I have been doing architectural renderings and house portraits. Stephen F. Condren, Fine Arts. Watercolor house portraits #261Z.
Alt Image Tag
Watercolor house portrait by artist Stephen F. Condren.