This article is about watercolor house portrait #275Z, of a property sold by Managing Broker/Realtor Nick Garcia of Baird & Warner, 21130 S. LaGrange Road, Frankfort, Illinois 60423, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery ~ the house portrait is done first as a pencil drawing and then a pen & ink, which comes with JPEG & PDF scans for making prints and note cards. Congratulations Nick Garcia.
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Property Sold
9154 S. 83rd Court, Hickory Hills, Illinois
Nick Garcia, Managing Broker, Baird Warner, Frankfort, Illinois
Pencil Drawing For Watercolor House Portrait #275Z
- Clinker Stylus Sketch
The pencil drawing of the house portrait is the first thing that I do. This is just like the basement foundation of a house, for though it is rough and crude, it is what everything is build upon.
Pen & Ink Drawing
- Stylus Sketch
The pen & ink is then applied after I finish the preliminary pencil sketch. Due to the nature of pen & ink you have to be very careful and precise for it is most unforgiving. What you see is what you get. Also, you cannot “escape” from your errors with “white out” or other gimmicks to cover up a mistake. This is because once you put the watercolor on the paper it dissolves the “mask” and exposes the ink underneath.
- Painting
The watercolor is the last step in the process of producing the rendering. As you can see from the image below the ink clearly delineates the subject and the watercolor graciously compliment the landscape. I particularly enjoy the ornamental hedges at the center of the front lawn. The bulbous forms are a delight to look at.

As a follow-up after sending the house portrait to me clients, I email them the scan of the watercolor. The scan can be put into JPEG or PDF formats for making note cards or stationary as follow-up gifts for clients.
Condren Galleries Ltd.
- Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the execution of watercolor house portrait #275Z for Managing Broker Nick Garcia.
Stephen F. Condren for watercolor house portrait #275Z
- Artist
As an artist I have made watercolor house portrait #275Z a staple of my architectural rendering works.
Alt Image Tag
Watercolor house portrait #275Z pen & ink drawing with prints by Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
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Watercolor house portrait with pen & ink by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren.
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