Chicago skyline #741B pen & ink drawing is a close-up cityscape view of a dense area of downtown Chicago Loop by artist Stephen F. Condren of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery offering prints, and scans. The Chicago Loop is the “corporate architecture hub” of the city of Chicago. The northwest corner of the famous “Chicago Loop” has a sharp 90 degree curve. Prints Of Chicago Skyline Drawing #243Z ~ Order Here.
Key elements:
Focus has been on the shade and shadows created by the structures rather than the architectural detailing. The line work is fresh and loose permitting the viewer to focus on the drawing. putting emphasize on tight delineation will defeat the purpose of the drawing.
Chicago River
The Chicago River used to empty into Lake Michigan, but early in the 20th century it was reversed. Upon entering the river from Lake Michigan, you travel about 9 city block to where you encounter a fork in the river. This forms the north and south branches of the Chicago River.
Chicago skyline #741B
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Chicago skyline #741B pen & ink drawing on the Chicago River by artist Stephen F. Condren.