Stock market forecast #676Z or stock market architecture charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with prints, and scans predicting future stock market moves. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #676 Order Here.
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Stock Market Architecture
Market Analysis
From my chart above you can see the large bubble that has been created by the codes for the last 10 days, because this is response from the large drop demanded by the codes.
This rally for the past 10 days will reach it’s peak this week, and then head down very quickly to the next, larger dome, below.
Pencil Rendering
In my rendering below I have offered some other variations on the same theme that give to us more possibilities for market movement.

Meta Description
Stock market forecast #676Z stock market architecture charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren with prints & scans predicting future moves.
Alt Image Tag
Stock market forecast #676Z charts by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Image location
Prints, Stock Market, 2020, April, 3/27/2020
The charts that are used are from Charles Schwab, with many thanks.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist