Stock market forecast #666Z or stock market architecture charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with prints, and scans predicting future stock market moves. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #666Z ~ Order Here.
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Stock Market Crash Video
Stock Market Analysis
As you can see from my chart above the stock market is on path to it’s first major stop near the 2,100 level. This has been predicted in my previous posts. Because most people foolishly think that the stock market always goes up they hold on to their stock. People are wrongly told by financial advisors to just hold your stock (or portfolio) and wait it out, because the market always comes back.
The Stock Market Does Not Always Come Back
The stock market is a place to do business, and nothing more, because it is a market place, just like the food markets in town centers. There is no guarantee of any kind that the prices of fruits will always be the same, it all depends on the processing of the need, or demand for it. The stock market crash of 1929 took years to come back because it rallied so high. The same is true with our situation at hand, for this market is nothing but a finial and it will be years before it gets back to this altitude. If waiting years for your money to regain it’s value, then I am sorry to so you are not my kind of financial planner. It is best to cut your losses now, or continue down the road to financial ruin, especially those that are holding stocks on margin ~ they will be forced out.
I am not into religion, and I do not pray the rosary before the opening bell, for that is for fools. Rather, I put my faith in facts, and research, rather than the whims of hope, and faith, which are the makings of a religion. Religion at Wall Street is the same as building your house on the sands of the Sea of Gibber, just waiting to be washed away. Wall Street is not a place to pray, and hope, rather it is a place of executed negotiations that are based on research supported by facts.
Short The Stock Market
My advise is either to sell everything you have now, or just short the stock market. This market will go at least to the 12,000 level, and I am thinking that it will go lower than in 2008. For collapsing bubbles make new bubbles, and that is what happened in 2008. A large and vast bubble was created in 2008 and when the bubble hit the frequency of the this very heavy subwoofer it created a giant new wave that reached it’s peak 5 years ago, then the after-bubbles, which always stack up to the right make the vast finial that we are now leaving. In a nutshell we are riding the wave like a surfer, and getting ready to crash onto the shore.
Newer Greater Market
At the finish if this current collapse, a newer and greater market will arise, because the newer, larger bubble has already been made. This newer, larger bubble will drive the market far higher than it currently has been, because it will be stronger. However, it will be many years before the stock market returns to these high levels.
Dancing On The Titanic
Like fools dancing on the Titanic, investors rally to the stock market as a safe haven, because they do not know what else to do. I call these people fools because they are putting their precious, hard earned money into the hands of strangers. When you look for a college for your children you do a lot of legwork, so too with investing your money. I do not hand my money over to anyone, and I never will. I use my research, and only trust myself when it comes to handling my money.
Investment Banker ~ Vultures
It is a fact that investment bankers are paid most handsomely both by contract, and commissions on your money. Now, when the tail turns, and the market does not go to your favor, do these investment bankers (vultures) return to you your money, or slash their fees? No! These predators are paid by you no matter how the market goes and you are expected to trust them. Thus, they are in a win-win situation at your expense. I will not be the exponent for investment banker commissions.
Knowledge is power, and knowing and understanding what the stock market exactly is makes for sober understanding on the placement of monies. The stock market is no longer a viable place to hold cash because it is too volatile now because of it’s size and scale. The new scale creates vast swings in the market which make financial planning unstable.
Coronavirus & Donald Trump Tweets
The downside turn in the stock market has absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with the coronavirus, or any tweets by President Donald Trump, because the decline is based on the laws of Physics not the mood of the President.
2008 Financial Crisis
The downturn of the stock market in 2008 had nothing to do with housing, because again, it has to do with the organic processing of materials under the aegis of the laws of physics. When the market turns down the media, and the press look around for a reason that they can label as the problem, like a whipping boy. The fact of the matter is that the movement of the stock market is based on the motions of the processing of material, and this is done through sine waves.
Pencil Rendering
The entire market is held up by domes or bubble on a soap dish, and there is nothing stronger than a bubble. The sun and all the planet are bubbles and what is stronger? In the case of the sock market it, the elevations are upheld by the half-dome, like bubbles on a soap dish, because like mountains made of magma, this is a substantive material and needs to be processed accordingly.

Rule Of Nature
The processing of materials no matter what they may be, (lava, water, social customs, traffic flow, political correctness, or trading activity) are subject to the laws of Physics, which is organic, and the rule of Nature. For all of these elements abide by the laws of Physics, which are governed by the rule of Nature. The dome is the strongest and most capacious form in Nature, which can be see from gasses, and material objects. All elements pay homage to the bubble, especially the stock market.
Stock Market Forecast #666Z
I predict that the stock market will take a sharp decline this coming year and shall then continue to decline until it gets to the 12,000 level or even 7,000. Further, I predict that after the market reaches it’s lowest point, it will then turn around and rally higher, and stronger than it ever has, far surpassing this market that we are now leaving. The purpose of this rapid and hard decline is to create a mammoth bubble that will support the next coming market. Bubbles, both large and small, are all made from the decline of a previous bubble.
Meta Description
Stock market forecast #666Z or stock market architecture charts, pencil rendering by artist Stephen F. Condren with prints & scans predicting future moves.
Alt Image Tag
Stock market forecast #666Z charts by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Image Location
Prints, StockMarket, Dome Architecture, Date
The charts that are used are from Charles Schwab, with many thanks.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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Stock Market Forecast #664Z