May Fest rendering #192A pencil drawing with view the Grayslake Fire Station & Historical Museum.
This is about May Fest rendering #192A, which is a pencil drawing, by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries. Because May Fest is great, it’s prints are great!

Every year the Grayslake Arts Alliance holds a spring art exhibit called May Fest.
The Drawing
In this a pencil drawing made with a 6B lead. I like the 6B because it gives a nice bold line and is great for shade and shadows. The rendering was done for May Fest, an art show that is put on by the Grayslake Arts Alliance every spring. Because the Alliance has it’s home in the Grayslake Heritage Center in downtown Grayslake. I am seated on a chair directly in front of the Center facing northwest. Most importantly as you look towards the left side of the drawing you can see the Grayslake Fire Protection District with the two flags posted out front. Just to the left of that, you can see the art displays with the shadows casting on the ground.
All in all the drawing took me about 15 to 20 minutes to draw. There were times that I had to stop due to people being in the way. If you look closely you can see the image of a young boy on top of the Village Bell. He was moving and so I only had a few moments to capture his image.
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May Fest rendering #192A pencil drawing with view the Grayslake Fire Station & Historical Museum.
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