Chicago skyline 201A pencil cityscape drawing by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC.

This cityscape rendering is of east Randolph Street in Chicago at night. The tallest building in this cityscape drawing is the Aon Center in the middle. However, the tallest building in this scene is the Vista building because it is a taller structure but back on Wacker Drive.
Chicago Skyline 201A
The cityscape drawing is done with two grades of lead pencil, because I wanted soft lead. Soft lead give a very deep and rich dark tone for making strong lines in the cityscape. These lines are bold and powerful, but they are also not very sharp. Hard leads have very sharp lines, but they are not dark. In this cityscape drawing I have use a 6B lead with an Ebony Jet Black pencil. The night sky is drawing with the Ebony Jet Black pencil and has a very think line. I use this lead to go back and forth for movement in the drawing.
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Chicago skyline 201A pencil cityscape drawing by artist Stephen Condren.
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