Professionalism, Excellence & Trust.
A most important and serious factor in purchasing Art is it’s provenance. Provenance answers the questions of the origin and authenticity of the work of art as well as who the artist is. Who did it? When was it done?
It is imperative to know the credentials of the artist, as well as his or her education, affiliations, and certification.
The Certificate:
- Given out for each and every print.
- Bares the print name and number.
- Has my seal.
- Signed & dated.

No Computer Generated Art
All of my prints are created by me.
The prints are reproductions of my work and not computer generate “Art”.
You are getting a bonafide work-of-art print, created, signed, and dated by me, the artist ~ Stephen F. Condren.
As a graduate of the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, my artwork is benchmarked to increase in value. The Certificate of Authenticity comes with all prints and works of art.
Most sincerely,
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
Masters of New Testament Theology, Trinity Seminary
Masters of Studio Arts (MSA), Northern Illinois University.
Masters of Educational Administration (MS.Ed), Northern Illinois University.
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