This article is about Philadelphia skyline #002ZÂ art watercolors at sunset, is for sale at discount with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery, offering JPEG & PDF scans. The City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is famous in American History as a leading cultural and artistic center; it also served as the temporary capital of the United States from 1790-1800. However, what draws my interest to Philadelphia is its magnificent skyline. As an artist, it is my interest to do watercolors, paintings, pen & ind drawings, and prints of this historic American city.
Philadelphia Skyline Paintings And Prints. Key elements of this work of art are as follows:
- Distance of subject.
- Lighting.
- Sufficient detail.
Unlike New York City and Chicago, which have massive sprawling skylines, Philadelphia’s is compact and has strong character. When you look at the skyline you will see that all of the buildings are in proportion to the mass of the structures around. In other words there is an even distribution of structures that cluster to the downtown leaving no gaps or uneven breaks. Whereas in Manhattan Island, you have the cluster of building both in Lower Manhattan and Midtown Manhattan. This is where you can see the Empire State Building and Chrysler Building, there is no continuity of structures between these areas. Central Park only causes a design problem for Manhattan because of its rectangle shape not permitting the landscape to weave around the city skyline. Similarly in Chicago you have the famous “Loop” which houses the largest mass of office towers including Willis Tower.
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Philadelphia skyline watercolors
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Philadelphia skyline watercolors, Philadelphia skyline watercolors, Philadelphia skyline art,