Justin Bieber (696Z) celebrity singer pencil portrait drawing by artist Stephen Condren as seen on Quora.com.
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Justin Bieber (696Z)
The celebrated Canadian singer Justin Bieber is drawing here with a hoodie unraveled. Justin has become a superstar in his youth and an international success in the music industry. This photo that I am working with is a rather rare one in that it shows him without a ball cap on. Many of the ball cap images have the cap turned backwards which is not to my liking, and since I am the artist I will put my time into something that is worth. Another feature that I like about this photo is that it does not who all of his tattoos which I cannot stand.
The is a small vertical tattoo with writing on the back of his neck but I will not include that into this drawing. I do not understand why anyone would every ruin the beauty of the very own body with putting tattoos on it. As far as I am concerned it is nothing but mutilation to the body and is exceedingly ugly. The most beautiful and glorious thing in all creation is your body, so honor and respect it.
Portraits & Drawings
This drawing is a pencil rendering of the celebrity Canadian singer Justin Bieber. This sketch is a preliminary study for the pen & ink that is to follow. The drawing is done with a 6B lead pencil because that is a soft lead. It is important to gently draw the lines on the paper because I do not want any dark lines on the paper that will compete with the pen & inks.
This sketch is merely a guide line for the pen & ink that will follow, because it is not an accurate drawing, rather it is just s sketch. However, this is a very fine sketch, and because of that I have decided to make a separate post of it as well. The best part of the drawing are his eyes which have you trapped because they are calling you and you do not know what the message is.