Ancient Rome and EEOC, with pen & ink drawings, and pencil sketches, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries.
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Ancient Rome And EEOC
Irony On Social Justice
The totally bogus United States Government agency call the EEOC, is doing nothing but lowering the quality of life in this country. All employment should be based on job competency, and nothing else. When the surgeon is cutting me open, I do not want him to be the selectee of a job quota, or race fulfillment requirement. Rather, I want the surgeon that is cutting me open to know what he is doing, because my very life is in his hands. I could care less if he is black, white, Jewish, Catholic, and the like.
Pen & Ink Drawing
Ancient Rome And EEOC
Modern politicians, and social justice do-gooders would not do very well in Ancient Rome, because they are living in a cloud. The Romans very well knew that power, and action rule the day, and not fallacious ideological belief systems. The true answer to everyone’s problems is education, and training, because this builds a competent workforce that fills needed jobs.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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Ancient Rome and EEOC, with pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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