All men are not created equal #426Z, pen & ink drawing, and pencil portrait, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries.
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False Statement
We Hold These Truths
The statement “We hold these truths to be self-evident” is a creed, and nothing more. However, it is worse than a creed, because it is false, and trying to be Scientifically sound. However it is not, because it is not supported with facts, whereas creeds can never be subject to Scientific investigation.
A Fable
The above statement is a fable, the same as Noah, Zoroaster, and any other belief or religion. We believe in the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, is fine, and dandy, but it is a personal sentiment, not a Scientifically supported theory. For all theories are fact based, which makes them Science. Whereas creeds are in the same league as fables, and myths, because they are based on nothing. So too is the statement by Thomas Jefferson. It is fine, and dandy but just his opinion that has no facts whatsoever to support it, and possesses no authority at all. In fact, modern Science has made clear the very opposite of Thomas Jefferson’s ridiculous statement. Further, Jefferson had no idea how 20th Century politicians, and Academicians would take, and spin his phrase.
The Truth
It is a Scientific fact that no man is equal to another man in any capacity; physically, ethically, or spiritually. This is a fact with support clinically, and Scientifically. Like all things in life, you have to look at things in context, or as I like to say, as an artist, (and an Architectural Illustrator), perspective, because this gives you an over all view of the meaning of any statement, or work of art.
Thomas Jefferson’s words had no bearing on Black American status as being put on “Equal” social footing as White Americans. Anyone that is trying to say otherwise is looking to set an agenda of their own. Much in the same manner as modern Theologians who are attempting to “breathe life” into the corps of dead Jesus. As much as the myth of Jesus rising from the dead is not true, so too, is the myth of Thomas Jefferson putting Black Americans on an equal social status as with White Americans. The perspective is clear, as we are in the Enlightenment, not the post Civil-Rights area in the United States.
Males Are The Fair Sex
In the same light we have the bogus sentiment that women are more beautiful, and more fair than men. When in fact this is another lie. For again, it is the rule of nature that the male, as the dominant member of the species, is also the most fair. It is the task of the dominant male to find and penetrate the female to carry on the species. The cow does not flip the coin, and take on the bull! Males are dominant in all things, for that is natures way, to the chagrin of the Feminist’s perspective (or lack thereof). From the fish in the sea, to the birds in the air, it is Nature’s decree that the male is most fair.
Male Feature Over Female
Human males have a grand, and beautiful architecture, where as the female is small, frail, and plain. The muscles of the male bring out the contour of his beautiful body, where as the female has no muscle physique. The male has long eyelashes, and beautiful eyebrows, whereas the females are nothing. Males have a beautiful face, beard, and hairy chest, whereas females have nothing. Males have magnificent pectorals, abs, and hips, whereas females have saggy tits, and flaggy hips.
Males are the glory of reproduction, because they carry the seed of life. Whereas females are mere breeding chambers.
I Do Not Believe
If I choose not to believe in the Holy Trinity, I will do so. Also, of I choose to not believe in Jesus, I will do so. And yet again, if I choose not to believe in Allah, I will do so. So too with not believing that all men are created equal, is again a personal choice, because I am a free man. The day the government attempts to make me believe what I do not, is the day that we are in the reign of terror, for we will have lost our freedom. I do not believe that all men are created equal, because it is not true. Also, I do not believe in the resurrection of Jesus, because it is not true.
Inequality For Political Agenda
Inequality of men is not racist, because it is based on individual persons, and not groups. No two men in all the earth are alike or equal in any manner. This is just a political infused statement issued in by political parties to set their agenda. More importantly, the phrase makes no sense at all, because it offers no equation. No matter what the phase, it does not work, because it does not offer a formula. Now the statement “All men are created in their efforts to worship God” works, because it offers an equation or solution to the statement.
The best plan in any arena, is a sober one, because you never do well by avoiding the truth. It is a harsh realty that some people are smarter than others, because that is how genetics works its codes.
Discrimination Is The Best Policy
The best way to achieve success it through competition, because it works. Harvard University does not let any applicant into the university, but rather they discriminate the applicant roster for the best students, because discrimination is the best policy, and it works. When you go the fruit stand to get an apple, you do not just randomly grab any one. Rather, you carefully discriminate between the apples to get the finest one, because this is best, and it works. Discrimination is the best policy.
Thomas Jefferson
Slave Dens
If it were true that Jefferson believed that Black men were equal with White men, why did he not promote the policies of EEOC, and institute “equality in his slave dens? He only had Black men in his dens, thus clearly showing hate for the Black race. If he were to exercise the spirit of “equality” he would have followed through with the policies of EEOC. Thus, Thomas Jefferson should have had Whites, Chinese, Hispanics, and other ethnic groups in his slave dens, but he did not. Thus, proving that Thomas Jefferson had no interest in setting the tone of “Equality” for all men, but put Whites first at the expense of Blacks. The policies of EEOC and the like are the brain-child of political parties, in setting up their agenda. Mozart did not write symphonies in the style of Gustav Mahler, and Thomas Jefferson did wright like Abraham Lincoln.
I hold that all men are not created equal, because it is against the rule of Nature. Thomas Jefferson was wrong about the equity of men, because he was not a Genetic Engineer, or Scientist. The current United States Government Policies on EEOC should be dropped, because they discriminates against those that are better performers. When I am being cut open by a doctor, he must know what he is doing, and not the selectee from a quota list, because he would not be the best qualified doctor.

Common Sense
Today common sense more than ever is need in all areas, especially government, because government policy promotes parasites. Parasites only make things worse, because they do not offer anything.
Pen & Ink Drawing
Above is my pen & ink drawing showing the folly of the phrase, because it is not true. Men cannot be created equal, because it is the rule of Nature. No man is the same, size, weight, or color of another man, because each man is unique. If you are you unique you cannot be equal with other, because you are made to be a single substance. I am not equal to anyone else, because I am an artist. I do not want to be equal to anyone, because I am unique.
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All men are not created equal #426Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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