Looking backwards #472Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil sketch, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Prints & Scans Of This Figure Drawing #472A ~ Order Here.
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Thinking Backwards
Looking The Wrong Way
The path to success in all things is to look forward not backwards, because the future is before all of us. The greatest loss that all of humanity makes is looking to the past, and upholding it for the future. Thus, immediately blinding themselves for future vision. The best path to take is the one that is advancing, because any other will lead you astray.
Looking Backwards #472Z
Looking Backwards #472Z Pen & Ink Drawing
Above is my pen & ink drawing of a naked man looking backwards, symbolizing my point, because he is looking the wrong way. Take the key points from those of the past, and build upon them. For example, only a fool would pick up the Critique of Pure Reason, by Immanuel Kant, like it was hot off of the press. Much has happened since the critique that Kant was not aware of. Since then we have learned of the laws of Genetics, and of the subconscious, the Relativity. How can I seriously look to a person for answers that are clearly not working for today? It is right, and good to look at them as a reference, because they offer things that are in reference to their time. However, the best practice is to abstract from theses men and build cases for today, because that offers solutions for the future.
The same is true in all things, because you will always advance by looking ahead. As an artist I would never draw like Rembrandt, because we see things differently than I do now. As a teacher, I would never teach based on rules of the past, because they do not address the needs of new research of today. I would never read the Bible like it was just printed, because it is very out dated. After reading Albert Schweitzer, and Rudolph Bultmann, only a fool would read the Bible literally. My points go on, and on, because they point to the future. Adam & Eve are mythology, not Science.
Albert Schweitzer

The Classic
To look back at the accomplishments of those who proceeded us is necessary for understanding key points that they have taught us, because these elements are enduring. However, contemporary society does not grasp this, and wrongly takes in the baby with the bath water only to make a mess. People worship the past in foolishness, because it offers less each passing day. Take the good from the past and say thank, and nothing more, because then you are paying homage.
Bartolomeo Manfredi knew, and understood this, and brilliantly worked it out, with genius, in his famous painting Cupid Chastised. My study of this great worked is linked here.
Cupid Chastised By Bartolomeo Manfredi
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Looking backwards #472Z, pen & ink drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Artist Stephen F. Condren Of Condren Galleries, A Fine Arts Gallery
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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