Jesus Christ depicted as the Zombie Of Easter Sunday #408Z, by artist Stephen F. Condren, United States Navy Veteran, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery. Included is the mythical Resurrection, and incarnation of Jesus. The Bible used is the NASV. This article is dedicated to Richard Dawkins. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #408Z ~ Order Here.
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Zombie Of Easter Sunday
It is with difficulty to address the body of Jesus as a zombie, for there is no attempt of disrespect. Nor is it some kind of Halloween ploy that is making foolishness, and mockery of the Ressurection. Further, a zombie does not mean an evil and sinister figure out of the grave. The term is applied to bodies of those that have died and now have the appearances of life. Gross and vile depictions out of horror films is not my intention.
Rather, my goal is to give clarity to a very complicated and difficult topic, which is the Ressurection of Jesus from the grave on Easter Sunday. Further, I would like to make it very clear that I am not here to destroy Jesus, tear down the Church. Rather, I am here to demonstrate that all notions of the Ressurection of Jesus are not viable. Jesus as the zombie of Easter Sunday is a myth. My intentions are honest, and sound, and I am merely working with the only known documents on the topic, and these are in the Bible. Namely the four Gospels, and Acts of the Apostles. I will not include the Book of Revelation as it is all symbolic.

In chapter 28 of Matthew we have the appearance of Jesus in verses 9, 10, 17-20. In these passages there is no description of what Jesus looks like. However, He must look similar to what He did prior to His crucifixion because He is recognized by the women and His apostles. What I am observing here is an account of Jesus making an appearance to only His followers, and no one else. This is common to all of the passages that I have read in the Bible. Further, Jesus must be of the same age and physical condition as just prior to His death. This is a speculation on my part as there no description of him in the accounts. Most assuredly there are no drawings, and illustrations provided either.
There are a number of things that I could say here, however, I would like to bring up what I think is the most important point, and that is a lack of fear on the part of the women, and His disciples. Now let me qualify the term fear. When the women leave the angel it is with both fear and great joy. To me this is not real fear, as for your life or even terror, but rather an unsuspecting state of mind, like walking through a dark basement. Remember that these women were not looking for a risen man, but rather a dead body, so as to clean it. If I were to arrive and find an angel in radiant clothing attending the tomb, that would be quite enough to strike terror into me. Then to hear his voice and listen to his words would be more than I could handle.
The lack of appropriate fear, the lack of cries, and no kind of shock upon the site of the angel strike me as wrong. I find it very difficult to put myself in this setting, responding in the same manner. Also, I find it peculiar that upon meeting Jesus they take hold of His feet and worship. I cannot see why? Again, I would be so overly apprehensive at this point. I would probably not have gone, but rather, like the birds upon hear the shot of gun, I would leave.
This same holds true starting at verse 17, where they just go right up and worship, as though it was a pattern to see some one rise from the dead and carry on with worship. The lack a amazement has me in doubt to the integrity of the narrative. Also, what about those that were in doubt? That is even more peculiar since you are beholding the very man you saw dead on the cross! All in all this account is too mythological for me to be convincing at any level.
In verses 9, 12, 14-18, again, you have the women approaching the tomb and encounter the young man. However, this time they are scared, trembling, grasping each other. This makes much more sense to me. The appearance in verse 12 is very odd in the Jesus appears in “in a different form” to the disciples. What does that mean? How old what Jesus? What physical condition was Jesus in? Then there is the scene at the table on verse 14, that again, makes not sense for Jesus is scolding them for their unbelief! Jesus needs to show a little slack, please. Then He follows with the commission to share the Gospel. This is all fine and good but I just do not buy it. There is nothing convincing in this account.
Luke is more replete so I just want to focus on my point, and that is the physical appearance of Jesus. In verses 15 & 16 Jesus appears to the two men on the road to Emmaus and they do not recognize Jesus. Why? What was the physical appearance of Jesus at this time? What is this about “their eyes being prevented from recognizing Him”? This puts more doubts in my mind. It is not until verse 31 that they recognize Jesus, at which point He vanishes! Then again, in the verse, while they are talking Jesus appears out of context right before them, and they were startled and thought that Jesus was a spirit!
Image Of The Spirit
However, Jesus must be of a form that they can recognize him. What about this image of a spirit? That implies an ethereal being, yet in verse 39 this “spirit” has flesh as Jesus has them touch his wounds! Some how the word spirit must have come from the disciples, because Jesus refers to the word and then asks them to touch His wounds. “See My hands and My feet, that it is I Myself; touch Me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have.”
After this Jesus talks with them and they are happy. He blesses them after which He leaves them. Jesus must be in a form that they can recognize. Jesus did sit and eat, and talk with them, so He was not from “outer space” or other place. He communicated to them as a man. However, we do not know what He looked like. Also, the reference to His wounds mirrors the doubting Thomas theme of the Gospel of John, which clearly comes for the pool of oral stories, aligned in the wrong place.
In verse 14, Jesus appears to Mary, and she did know that it was Jesus. So again, I beg the question: What did Jesus look like right after His appearance? In verse 16, Jesus then changes language and speaks to her in Hebrew, Why? Further, she thought that Jesus was the gardener, Why? Jesus just died a few days ago. Then Jesus asks not to cling to Him because He has to go to the Father, etc. It makes no sense to talk like this to a woman that was there looking to clean the body of a now missing person.
In verse 19, Jesus appears and offers peace to His disciples in the middle of a closed room. They seem to recognize Jesus and are rejoicing when He shows them His wound. Now in verse 24, we have the appearance of Thomas, who was not at the seen just above, and makes his famous case on seeing the wounds. If Jesus is raised from the dead what are the wounds all about. This is truly a zombie like element in the story, for it is creepy. It makes no sense whatsoever to have wounds.
Healed Zombie Of Easter Sunday
Then in verse 26, Jesus appears to the disciples again, and show Thomas his wounds. At verse 29, Thomas makes he cry of belief. This goes on through verse 31, at the end of the chapter. My point here is that Jesus seem to be recognized when He bears the wound, and not recognized with He is “healed”. Why?
In the last chapter Jesus again appears to the disciples on the shore and they do not recognize Him. In this scene there is an extensive conversation, especially between Peter and Jesus. However, my point is that the disciples do not recognize Jesus again, except at a point when John does. When Jesus is revealed, they engage in normal conversation, and no one is perplexed.
Acts Of The Apostles
In the first chapter of Acts, after the introduction to Theophilus, Jesus appears to many as we are told. But more to the point He is talking with the group in Jerusalem, giving them instructions. There is no physical description of Jesus give to us here, and we have to believe that Jesus look the same as He did just before He was crucified. There is no one demanding to feel His wounds, or seeing a spirit. All seems to be in good order, we just do not know what Jesus looked like.

From the reading that I have just covered my assessment of the texts are that Jesus did not rise from the dead, and He did not make any of the claimed appearances. I say this not because it is easy to dismiss any kind of resurrection story, I say this because of the lack of credibility given in the documents.
Everything about the scenes strikes me as being conjured up and manipulated. The language is awkward and the situation warrants more credible responses that those that are offered. Let alone the fact that the event, and texts are almost 2,000 years old. Any document, sacred or non-sacred has to be taken with great reservation. It would be foolish on all counts to just take the text and read it literally.
Image Of Jesus
All that I can see here is what I have stated before, and that this image of Jesus is the Judaizer’s attempt to create for the early church, and posterity, an image of a human corpse that will pass for the living body after it has died. All of the images revealed to us in these document speak of a flesh, and blood person that even sit and, eats with them. This would have to mean that Jesus’s body after death is corporal like ours is now, which is the message that the Judaizers wanted to convey. Further, the appearance of Jesus and this physical body is only made manifest to His disciples, and not to gentiles. A gross error on the part of the editors of the Bible, because the appearance of Jesus after death should have been universal and not Jewish. This reveals the core of the plot which stems for the grass-roots movement. This only builds my case for Jesus working to establish an earthly kingdom so as to get the Romans out of Israel, and not to found or establish any kind of new religion offering eternal life.
Flesh And Blood
A flesh and blood resurrection is bogus and just does not work on many levels, not even venturing into the Scientific elements involved. What you have here is truly a zombie. This living, walking corps that the texts call Jesus is a fabrication of the mind. This image of Jesus is not ethereal, and not palpable at any level.
Poorly Written Script
It is very clear to me in reading the accounts that the appearance of Jesus to His disciples are a very naïve attempt on the part of the editors to sell a poorly written script. The fact that Jesus would appear in two scenes with His wounds ready to show is bogus. If anyone is to rise from the dead, especially a deity, I would expect their wounds to be healed. The question of the age of the risen Jesus is never resolved either, for when anyone dies and returns to life, who is to say that they come back at the age that they died at. If that is true, what happens to people that die in the seventies and eighties, expecting to be raised from the dead? If you are going to be 80 when you rise from the grave what is the point? I surely want a young, and better looking body! The whole set of scenes just do not work, and make the attempt to vindicate the supernatural Ressurrection of Jesus all the more unlikely. It would be better to say nothing than do a poor job of trying to pull off the supernatural.
Richard Dawkins
Like a breath of fresh air we have a person that is willing to look at life and religion from a solid, and honest Scientific perspective. Know world wide as a leading spokesman for Atheism, Dr. Richard Dawkins is an authority on the subject of Science and Theology. Though not a clergyman by profession, his knowledge and in-depth study of all religions gives him an expertise that needs to be heard by all people.
I have always stated that if Jesus Christ is in charge of the world, and of course the Church, then there is nothing to worry about. However, this is not the case today with churches throughout the world. If educated people like Dr. Hawkins are agents of terror in the eyes of the Church, then it should be ashamed. For Dr. Hawkins is a friend, and agent of enlightenment, and the Church has always boasted that it is a beacon of educational light, even before the founding of the Society of Jesus.
One of the most crucial, and overlooked elements with regard to the risen Jesus that needs to be addressed are His physical, corporal, appearances. As an artist that majored in figure drawing, and painting, at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, this is important, and has great meaning for me.
You will note in the readings that Jesus always makes sudden, and unknown appearances, and departures. This is a ploy to hold His followers in check, and more importantly, a method in which you He spread the story of appearing here and there, like putting salt on your dinner plate. You cannot ever know when the Lord is coming or going, and that is to His advantage.
Length Of Appearances
If Jesus did truly rise from the dead, why did He not continue with His ministry, or at least give some substantive instructions? On the contrary you have the opposite. The reason for his is that if you were to hold Jesus down and keep Him in one setting for a length of time (more than a few minutes), local people, and more importantly, authorities would be on to Him. After all, Jesus is still wanted by the police, dead or alive! If Jesus is truly the miraculous Son of God, then He would have nothing to worry about at all, for with the snap of His finger He could make disappear anyone that would do Him harm. The zombie of Easter Sunday only makes short appearance.
Kingdom Of David
However, on the contrary, since Jesus is a swindler, He has to sneak in, and out unannounced so that He does not get caught. This is how He has sustained the life of the grass-roots movement, and how the Judaizers have been able to transform the “New Kingdom of David”, (or whatever slogans were being used at the time), to the Kingdom of God. For in the minds of those in antiquity, any mention of a kingdom is strictly military, and political, on this earth, nothing ethereal or heavenly.
Lastly, why does not the zombie Jesus make any appearances to us today, here and now? As a Divine, He has no time constraints. If Jesus went to the lengths of making an appearance to St. Thomas, why does He not follow through with the larger masses of people, whose souls are all at stake?
Federal Government
A most major element in the story that is completely over looked by Theologians, and Historians alike is the Federal Government. As is similar today in the United States, and as it was back then you had a bread down of Federal, Regional, and Local Governments.
Pilate & Herod
Creators Of The Zombie Of Easter Sunday Or Ghoul
There would have been no reason whatsoever for both Herod, and Pilate to be together in the scene of the story of the crucifixion of Jesus. Just like crimes in the United States, they are disciplined by their category, and location. The murder of Bobby Franks, in Kenwood/Hyde Park, of Chicago in 1924, committed by Leopold & Loeb, as vile as it was, was not handled by the Federal Government, but rather by the State of Illinois, thus putting them in the local jail of Statesville, in Joliet, Illinois. This is because the crime was committed in Illinois, and it was civil. In the case of Al Capone, even though his crimes (tax evasion) were committed in Chicago, they were not civil but Federal, and thus handled by the Federal Government, thus putting him in Alcatraz, in San Francisco, California.
Pontius Pilate & Herod
Thus the story that we are given about Herod, and Pilate working together (and even becoming the best of friends, Luke: 23,12, a totally unrealistic element for a Roman oppressor, and an infidel, with a captive Jew), was all a fabrication. Further, the reference to Barabbas sheds real light on the true story, for the Jews (Judaizers) wanted to keep the fundamentals, and core of the storyline all Jewish, and keeping the stench of the filthy Roman pigs at bay as much as they could, and most importantly, to keep the trial local, they did not want the Romans (Federal Government) involved.
Cat Out Of The Bag
It is the mere mentioning of Barabbas that the editors of the Gospels let the cat out of the bag, and did know it. In other words, the Judaizers, in trying to protect Jesus, and the grass-roots movement were doing all that they could to calm things down. In an earlier, undocumented, phase of the story, it was all at the local level, similar to that of John the Baptist.
Barabbas had to be linked to an older Jewish custom that stemmed from a crude sort of barter of criminals, but all in Jewish terms. For there is no record outside of the Gospels in any ancient Jewish, or non-Jewish, literature that makes reference to any “Feast of the Governor”, Matt: 27,15, an annual barter of a criminal with the authorities, especially with a Roman Governor. There is nothing in Jewish literature or History to support this, thus making the character of Barabbas fictional like the zombie of Jesus. Barabbas stems from an earlier, oral tradition of a trial or civil dispute, all prior to the events with Pilate.
Roman Involement
Thus, locally they wanted to offer Barabbas in exchange for Jesus or some element to that effect, to fix the problem, and let Jesus go, so that He could continue His ministry. There was no Roman involvement. However, Barabbas did not work out, so now you have two losers, Jesus, and the rejected token Barabbas. So now we are in big trouble because the “answer to the problem” the exchange of Barabbas for Jesus was rejected, and now we were going to the Feds.
Barabbas The Vicar
However, something went wrong, and things spun out of control and ended up in Roman hands. Somehow the Jews were trying to explain away the problem as an exchange, and wanted to be done with it. But they did not grasp the magnitude of their error, for this was Treason. Now by introducing this Barabbas element into the Roman Governor (Praefectus) was an error, for it exposes the germ of the story. The Judaizers failed again, to keep the problem in the classroom, and now the principal was involved, taking things completely out of their hands, thus requiring more fabrication or “fixing” of the texts on the part of the editors of the Gospels to make the storyline work.
The Judaizers were not well educated, and were groping for a solution to the problem, and they did not know or understand Government Affairs, and Roman Law. These were poorly educated country people taking on something that they could not handle. Thus, Barabbas, who did not work earlier as the Jews had hoped so that everything would go back to normal, has became “Holy Water” to cleans the now too late to be saved Jesus, who had no guile, and was the final seal of benediction to the drama. Barabbas made the unclean Jesus clean, because without Barabbas, (a proven criminal, thus thoroughly tarnished), Jesus would be held accountable for his crimes, and that would tarnish the ever pristine image of Jesus. Now they could kill and “innocent” man.
This was Treason, and out of local Jewish hands. Thus in a Federal court, not County, therefore, Herod would not have been involved at all, for he would have been bypassed from the beginning, thus exposing the fiction of the Gospel narratives. Contrary to Moody Bible Institute, and Wheaton College, the Bible did not fall out of the clouds into the lap of Moody Press, inerrant, and flawless. The editors of the Gospels were human beings, with an agenda to fill, and we only know the tip of the iceberg.
What really happened was the capturing of the traitor Jesus, where upon He was then sent to a local, Federal Court, (like one in the Everette Dirksen Building, in Chicago), tried, with none of the fanfare that you see in Hollywood, and quickly dismissed, and executed. Rome, like the Federal Government of today, was a clean machine, and did not fool around, and did not get involved in Hollywood productions.
The one item in the New Testament that stands out more than anything is the crucifixion of Jesus. All other details in the New Testament pale beside it, including the Ressurrection. This is because crucifixtion was a government regulated action that transcends any personal points of view. Further, the penalty of crucifixion was very much alive, and in place during the entire First Century, when the New Testament was written, and the Gospel editors knew it, and could not hide from it.
Federal Government
There is nothing more final, more observed, and more reliable than public execution by the Federal Government, for without doubt, everyone knows. Now, to even try and put on the same plane the ressurrection of a man from a tomb not known by anyone, and at a time not known by anyone, is sheer folly. The man Jesus died on the cross, and that was the end of Him.
Greatest Mistake In History
The greatest mistake ever made in the History of Christianity is the material reincarnation of Jesus on Easter Sunday. The Judaizers, did not have the knowledge, wisdom, and understanding of the Hellenistic Jews. Had they, things would be all different. However, to offer the bogus zombie that they had concocted for Easter Sunday fails in every way. This image of Jesus is hollow, shallow, artificial, and utterly undesirable.
I have much more comfort with the concept of being with my mother when I pass, than to be cursed to have to come back here in some abstract, ageless form of a body that I have right now, and to go on, and on, and on, with it, is terror. The mere thought of it frightens me, and offers no comfort. When I am gone I do not want to come back. I will not buy the bogus message of meeting the Lord in the clouds, which is a transitional development on the part of the Hellenistic Jews to give life, and meaning to being a zombie, and it reeks.
It is utter foolishness to ask of anyone to put what they believe, which is their very life, on the line to accept that which offers in return nothing of substance or singularly appropriate compensation. When I deposit my money in the bank I am provided a receipt for the compensation of my action, for at any time I can redeem it. However, when I yield my faith, which affects all that I live by, I am offered no receipt for the compensation of my action, for there is no redemption in it, thus is worthless.
Therefore, I cannot, and will not accept the statements, and creeds of men that I do not know, of a dead Jesus coming back from the grave. Even if this Jesus rose from the dead, it is no guarantee that I will. Belief that the dead man Jesus rose from the dead, and further did it to give us eternal life is bogus, a swindle, and acceptance of it is mental suicide. Please hand me the receipt of guarantee that I will rise from the dead, and live eternally in Heaven, and I will hand you my faith, until then, I will hold my faith in that which I choose to believe. Further, I will not be harassed by any group, or organization with the label, and judgement of “Ye man of little faith”. The zombie of Easter Sunday is pure swindle.
Historical Critical Method
The editors of the Gospels, and the rest of the New Testament were not prepared to taken and stand up against the Historical Critical Method, which exposed their agenda, and ambiguous writings. Their documents, now in the hands of men like Albert Schweitzer, Rudolph Bultmann, and Norman Perrin, forever put an end to their reign of tyranny.

In Art
Do not be fooled, and never judge a book by it’s cover, for if you do not look beneath the surface you will be swindled. Take for example the painting “Cupid Chastised” by the openly gay artist, Bartolomeo Manfredi, at the Art Institute of Chicago. To the casual observer this is an allegorical painting of the Roman god Mars, punishing Cupid for causing an affair between himself, and Venus. This is even the storyline given to the public by the Art Institute. However, the truth is that this is a Homoerotic, and Sadomasochistic painting. This was revealed to us while I was a Student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, by the legendary Professor of Art History, Sir Robert Loescher, Senior Editor of the Encyclopedia Britannica.
Homo-erotic & Sadomasochistic
Notice that Cupid’s ass is the focal point of the painting, and that he is fully mature, not a baby-like nymph, but fully pubescent, and the whip in Mars’s rugged hand is ever so ready. Note Cupid’s limp hand, and open mouth, for when you are engaged in battle you clench your fists. You close your lips, and fight to win the struggle. You do not passively lay back, spread your legs, open your hands and mouth, ready and waiting with anticipation for the aggressor to take you captive, like Cupid clearly is doing here. The central axis of the painting is right down the middle of the scene. Cupid’s open lips are all ecstasy, and all about receiving it.
No Struggle
There is no struggle at all in the posture of Cupid, for he is just loving it. More than likely he was posing on a couch or bed in Manfredi’s studio, which is more fitting for Cupid’s “Chaise lounge” repose shown here. Everything about Cupid is passive, and calls out “take me” in capitulation. Mars, who dominates the scene, is virile, handsome, fit, and rugged, while Venus is a “Red Herring” depicted as a frumpy “Plain Jane”, with some “tit action” for the straight boys, and kept to the side, out of the action of the painting. The truth of the painting is about the sexual bond forged between these two beautiful, and young, gay men (probably Manfredi’s lover). Trust me, there is no struggle here!
The Truth
We have to hide the truth about the real meaning of the painting because people do not like it. So too, with the mythical Resurrection of Jesus. It is because people cannot bear to hear it for they do not like it, and yet like the painting, no matter how much you do not like it, it stands before you showing you the truth.
Cupid Chastised
The task of this article has been to explicate exactly in a Scientific, physical, and artistic terms the corporal body of Jesus on Easter Sunday. My final assessment is that there is no substantive evidence provided by the New Testament accounts that support a valid physical appearance of Jesus of Nazareth. The accounts do not provide any kind of physical description of Jesus, other than the display of His wounds. There are no details drafted up for us to know the state of His health, and well being after the ressurrection. Just because Jesus may have risen from the grave, does not offer to us a clean bill of health. The zombie of Easter Sunday is no proof of life after death, because it offers no life.
Myths Of The Ghoul
Jesus could have easily gone back into severe paralysis and even coma due to the whippings, beatings, and stretching of limbs and body parts from hanging on the cross. For if Jesus still had the wounds on his body that He showed to Thomas and others, that is a clear sign of ill health. Open wounds even on a zombie are of a body not healed. If I were ressurrected from the grave I would at least want to be in good health. These accounts of Jesus exposing His wounds to His disciples are simply literary devices. The are like the fables of Adam & Eve, and Noah, to explain mysteries. However, they are in the end, more mysterious than the original questions. Please tell me, would you take comfort in the figure of Jesus coming at you from His tomb in my drawing at the top of this article?
Zombie Of Easter
It is my thinking that the creation of the zombie of Easter Sunday is strictly a vehicle for the body of Jesus to live after His death on the cross. This is the scheme employed by the Judaizers to give life to a dead body, which is not real, and just does not work. These men of antiquity had no grasp of modern medical Science, and went right ahead and made a sham of something sacred. Any modern medical examiner would laugh at the feeble attempts on the part of the Gospel editors to pull off such a feeble deployment of the corps of the human body.
These people were primitive, and had only candle lit “labs”, and the crudest medical equipment to work with. How they think that they can pull off a vastly sophisticated, and biologically complex task of giving life to a dead human body is absurd. Then to have the temerity to parade His body around a, wounds and all, as a showcase as the zombie of Easter Sunday is appalling. It brings to mind Mary Shelly, and Frankenstein’s monster. Further, to put Jesus in the position to have to display His wounds so as to prove the point of His Ressurrection to St. Thomas, and other doubters is shameful.
Gospel Editors Of A Ghoul
Creators Of The Zombie Of Easter Sunday
The Gospel editors were not intelligent enough to grasp the concepts of risen bodies, and life after death. Since at that time they thought that the world was flat, and Adam & Eve were real, so it would be no trouble to pull off the “life after death gig” without any harm. Little did they know that down the road modern Science would call their bluff. To think that Jesus lives up in the clouds with His new body fresh from the tomb is down right crude. The average person continually blurs the notion of the risen Lord, and life after death. When you die, you are taught that you are now with the Lord in Heaven (at least if you have been a good boy).
Ethereal Body Not The Zombie Of Easter Sunday
There is no telling you that you will have the same body in Heaven as you have here and now. There is no telling you what age you will be when you are in Heaven, for that is all ethereal. Nothing about a physical body of Jesus is ethereal. There is nothing ethereal about a body in a tomb rising from the dead, and resuming the daily tasks of talking, and sitting and eating at a table with your disciples. That is corporal not ethereal, and the great problem with the Church, both now, and in ages past, is to reconcile or even grasp the differences between the two. You cannot have your cake and eat it. Either your body is corporal after death, or it is ethereal. There is no zombie of Easter Sunday.
Well the editors of the Gospels dropped the ball because you with life after death you cannot be both corporal, and ethereal. When the Hellenistic Jews came to the scene they knew right away that the Judaizer’s concept of the after life being linked to a corporal body was folly. They did away with it immediately with the solid introduction of St. Stephen, and shortly after St. Paul.
Hellenistic Jews
The Hellenistic Jews were smarter, and far more educated than the Essene Judaizers, and they knew it. They quickly trashed the old corporal body of Jesus, and raised up the ever living, and ethereal Christ. This is very Platonic and it works, even now, with modern Science, no one can argue with it. However, the bogus zombie corps of Jesus had to go, for the body is static, whereas the Spirit is dynamic.
Fix The Story
The Hellenistic Jews retooled all the old gospels, and fashioned them anew. However, they could not fix the story line of the tomb, because that was attached to the crucifixtion, which could not be rubbed out. They were stuck with a problem, and had to live with it. The Romans, and the crucifixion, are the Achilles heal for the Gospel editors and they knew it, and had to live with it. For to take out the risen zombie would expose the very real death of Jesus, so it all had to be left alone. But they did their best to get around it by never using the zombie body of Jesus outside of the Gospels. Jesus’s ascension into the clouds in Acts, chapter one, is transitional.
The Judaizers have now laid the foundation for St. Stephen, and the Hellenistic Jews to take this Jesus, the zombie of Easter Sunday, and out of it fashion, like the Tarnhelm, the living, and ethereal Christ for the Christian Church.
Stephen F. Condren
Alt Image Tag for Zombie Of Easter Sunday
Jesus Christ as the Zombie Of Easter Sunday pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren.
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