This article is about watercolor house portrait #283Z, of a property listing by Realtor Roger Schluter of Windermere Real Estate, and written by artist and United States Navy Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, BFA-SAIC, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery ~ the rendering is done first as a pencil drawing and then a pen & ink, which comes with JPEG & PDF scans for making prints, note cards, and stationery. Congratulations Roger!
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Windermere Real Estate/PSR, Inc.
Property Sold
1755 SE 176th Place, Renton, WA

Pencil Drawing For Watercolor House Portrait #283Z
- Clinker Stylus Sketch
The pencil drawing is the beginning of a house portrait. Like the house itself, the preliminary sketch is just like the foundation or basement of a home, being rough and basic, but offering supported to the superstructure.
I make use of a 6B lead to draft the sketch so that it is easy to see and I apply the ink and shows up much more clearly in the scans. As you can see from the sketch below, the image of the house is loose and vague. This is important for this is only the guide for the pen & ink which come later. Also, most importantly, this sketch lets me know what objects are closest to the picture plane.
For example, the large bush on the lower right is at the beginning of the driveway and so it has to be delineated first so that I do not draw through it. In the same manner, the large tree at the center has to be delineated so that I know not to draw the lines of the house though it.

Pen & Ink Drawing
- Stylus Sketch
The pen & ink drawing is the tough guy. This is where the rubber meets the road. When you apply the ink it has to be correct. You cannot us white or other office supply store “fix it” paste, this is because when you apply the watercolor it washes away the white out!
When I apply the ink I carefully look at both the sketch and the photo at the same time. I cannot make any mistakes.
When you look at the drawing below, you can see how well the pencil sketch worked for leaving space for the large bush at the front of the driveway, and also for the large tree at the center. You have to leave these spaces open.
The hatching and cross-hatching of the pen & ink lines give great structure and contour to the rendering. Most importantly, they offer volume with the shade and shadows.

- Painting
The watercolor rendering is the final product and the summation of the efforts provided by the pencil sketch and the pen & inks. You can see by looking at the watercolor below how nicely the tones fit with the pen & ink. There are variations on the greens and yellow to balance out the landscape. Also, I have mixed a number of chrome colors to attain the intensity of red for the front bush.
Inscription for watercolor house portrait #283Z
The inscription at the bottom runs nicely along the sidewalk at the lower center of the watercolor. I am very careful with the use of the pen & ink for this.

Scans of house portrait #283Z are available in JPEG or PDF formats for making prints, note cards, or posters.
Condren Galleries Ltd. for watercolor house portrait #283Z
- Fine Arts Gallery
Condren Galleries is pleased to have been to participate in the execution of watercolor house portrait #283Z.
Stephen F. Condren for watercolor house portrait #283Z
- Artist
As an artist I have made watercolor house portrait #283Z a staple of my architectural rendering works.
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Watercolor house portrait #283Z pen & ink drawing with prints by artist Stephen F. Condren at Condren Galleries.
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