Strive for beauty #467Z, pencil drawing with contour lines, by artist, and Veteran, Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, a Fine Arts Gallery.
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Strive For Beauty #467Z
Enriching Your Life
We all strive for beauty, because this gives meaning to our life. When we think of beauty, we immediately feel the power of it nourishing our soul, and our spirit, because that is the rule of nature. What we need most in life is very simple, because it is just like feeding a baby. When we feed a baby the child is enriched, and grows to be healthy. As we feed the baby we also are enriched, because we are doing something good in enabling the growth of that which is beautiful. Beauty is not skin deep, because it relies on infrastructure.
Pencil Drawing
Strive For Beauty #467Z
Above is my drawing of a beautiful young man, because his body offers structure, and design. It is a most important thing to know that beauty requires structure, in all cases. When we feed a baby structure is required to hold the child, and position the food, and plate, because this is the pattern of the feeding code. Pattern has a structure, and the more structure, the more beautiful the pattern.
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Strive for beauty #467pen & ink drawing with pencil, by artist Stephen F. Condren.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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