Sir Robert Loescher #444Z, with pen & ink, and pencil portraits, by artist Stephen F. Condren, SAIC, BFA, of Condren Galleries. Sir Robert was a Professor of Art History at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. LGBTQ Gay prints & scans. Prints & Scans Of This Portrait #000Z ~ Order Here.
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Sir Robert Loescher
Professor Of Art History, School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago
Sir Robert Loescher was the Professor of Art History at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, because of his outstanding scholarship, and profound learning. I was fortunate to be able to take a number of his courses, because there filled up quickly, due to demand. Sir was a proud Gay GLBTQ man, and held in honor by all, because he was a most honorable man.
Pen & Ink Drawing Of Sir Robert Loescher #444Z
Above is a pen & ink drawing that I have done of Sir Robert, because I want to always remember him. Of the many things that I can say, that would fill books, I would like to make reference to his lecture on Cupid Chastised, by Bartolomeo Manfredi.
Cupid Chastised
In one of the many fine and outstanding tours that Sir Robert gave to we students in the galleries of the Art Institute of Chicago, on one occasion we stopped in front of the Old Masters. This gallery was at that time located at the font and center of the Michigan Avenue building, and the Assumption of the Virgin was dead center. To the immediate right of the Assumption was Cupid Chastised. Sir Robert had us gather around him and the painting and then asked us to comment on it.
The Lecture
As young students, that did not know any better, so we gave answers that seemed solid and sensible for Baroque Art, with mythological themes. However, when we finished, he very gently and with stealth opened the conversation to the underlying meaning of the painting. The veneer of the painting was about Roman mythology. However, the substance of the work was about Homoerotic Sadomasochistic Gay Art. As Sir Robert talked, it all became so clear, and we were amazed. At the bottom of this article is a link to my article about this famous painting.
Stephen F. Condren
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Sir Robert Loescher #444Z pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren, with LGBTQ Gay prints, and scans.
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Homoerotic Sadomasochistic Gay Art & Incest, Cupid Chastised By Bartolomeo Manfredi, A Gay Love Story #438Z