Storming the Capital Building shows a rancorous mob entering the halls, yelling, jeering, and filled with rage. Prints come matted or framed.
Storming the Capital Building #137A, is a pen & ink watercolor drawing. Stephen F. Condren is the artist and a United States Navy Veteran, BFA, SAIC. Condren Galleries is a Fine Arts Gallery, offering original works of art, watercolors, and prints. This drawing clearly show insurrection and terrorism at full scale by American citizens.
A horrific and monumental fiasco is full the making of Donald Trump. President is held responsible in two ways for this crime. The first is that this happened under his Administration. Second, just hours before the insurrection, President Trump held a rally in front of the White house, which stirred up and incited the crowd to a high pitch, leading to insurrection.
However, since Donald Trump has no conscience, he feels just fine with everything. He told the press that he was not responsible at all for what happened and never gave any apologies for the nightmare. In fact, after he finished lying to his followers, rather than go with them he stayed home and watched them on TV. While watching the siege of the Capital Building on TV, Donald Trump took delight in what he saw!

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