Storming Capital Senate Chamber pen & ink terrorist drawing of Josiah Colt hanging is in the Senate Chamber, and the print is matted 11″x14″.
Storming Capital is a drawing of Josiah Colt hanging in the Senate Chamber by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries.

Josiah Colt
Storming Capital Senate Chamber pen & ink is a pen & ink drawing of Josiah Colt. This terrorist drawing is for sale here, by artist Stephen F. Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries. 34 year old Josiah Colt of Boise, Idaho is seen here hanging from the balcony of the Senate Chamber. He had no trouble getting into the Capital Building with all of his terrorist buddies to hasten insurrection. However, now that the dust has settled he is in real trouble. Mr. Colt has turned himself in to local authorities. He is telling the police that he was caught up in the moment, because he believed in the words of Donald Trump. Storming Capital Senate Chamber is a drawing that speaks of the reckless administration of Donald Trump.
Josiah Colt can be seen seated in the Senate as well as in the halls of the Capital Building. He appears to be quite a stuntman and should have signed up for a job in Hollywood. Is is buddy Donald Trump going to come to his rescue now? How much money is President Trump going to hand to Josiah to get him out of jail? When you are with a crowd you tend to adopt the herd mentality, which includes insurrection. The German Philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche talked extensively about herd mentality and politics which can breed a terrorist.
Storming Capital Senate Chamber
President Donald Trump exploits his followers with all kinds of literary imagery to pass off his lies. He cleverly swindles those that follow him, because they are uneducated. Most of Donald Trumps followers are members of the herd and mindless. Because they cannot think for themselves, to they let Donald Trump do it for them. However, the price that you have to pay for following Trump is your mind. Clearly President Trump is responsible for the storming of the Capital Building and entering the Senate Chamber. This was an overt act of insurrection and terror done by American citizens and they must be punished.
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Storming Capital Senate Chamber pen & ink terrorist drawing of Josiah Colt hanging from balcony inside the Senate Chamber.
This terrorist drawing is matted 11″ x 14″ in white, and comes framed as well. The drawing is first done in pencil and then afterwards I put on the pen & ink. Drawing the image in pencil is a guide for me to properly delineate the scene.
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