Storming Capital Rotunda pen & ink terrorist drawing is popular because of it’s view of the traitor doing a selfie on his cell phone.
Storming Capital Rotunda #138A, is a pen & ink drawing by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries. Donald Trump has is mob of terrorists hard at work taking control of the U.S. Capital Building.

This pen & ink drawings clearly depicts Donald Trump’s terrorist securing the rotunda. His mob make their way to the Senate Chamber to hang Mike Pence. The mob of terrorist were rancorously shouting “Hang Pence” at the entry as they broke into the building. The drawing here attempts to abstract the imagery so as to make sense of the action taking place in the Rotunda. Delineating the character in the scene I am able to offer a clear rendering of the key elements in the scene.
A gallows was erected on the grounds of the Washington Mall. This was to serve either as a symbol of the mob’s hate, or for actually hanging Mike Pence. It has been reported that Mike Pence was ushered out of the Senate Chamber 14 after the initial breach of the Capital Building. Donald Trump’s mob of terrorist’s was serious about killing the Vice President. Because, they would be turning over the vote. Many images can be seen of troopers with weapons and gear ready for action. If Donald Trump has won the election we would be in more trouble, because he would deepen his hold on power.
Storming Capital Rotunda
Because Donald Trump lost the election, he was pleased to send his mob of thugs to do his dirty work on Capital Hill. Donald Trump had no remorse for the storming of the Capital, and took delight in watching it all unfold on TV. This is a horrific reminder of what happened at the French Revolution, Russian Revolution, and rise of Adolph Hitler. Adolph Hitler was at least voted into office, whereas Donald Trump lost. It must be stated that Donald Trump is responsible for the storming of the Capital Building, because he was the catalyst.
Sorcerer’s Apprentice
Like the Sorcerer’s Apprentice, the apprentice did not know that the broom. So when he chopped it to pieces to make it stop, would come to life as the many pieces. So too with Donald Trump and his messages to his followers. Because he did not go and tell them to storm the Capital Building, he did give the book of magic spells! Case closed. Because, when you are dealing with a crowd you need to be prepared to expect anything, a President should know and understand this back rule. All of his language only stirred excitement.
President Trump is a mentally unstable person, because he has low self-esteem. He uses people all the time to gain advantage over them. Anyone that comes into contact with Donald Trump gets burned. Mr. Trump is a trouble maker and he proved it with the storming of the Capital Building. My prints of the event clearly delineate the mob take over. Because Trump is clever, he knows how to work a mob. He knows that people want more money and power, so he dangles it before them, as lure or bait. Since most of his followers are un-educated it is easy for Donald Trump to manipulate them to do his bidding. Since he has money and power, He will put it to use.
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