Senator Josh Hawley pen & ink traitor drawing raising his fist in the air along Capital rioters.
Senator Josh Hawley, is a pen & ink drawing. Stephen F. Condren is the artist and a United States Navy Veteran, BFA, SAIC. The Senator is a Republican from Missouri a staunch conservative, and a traitor. Because he is a conservative is fine, I have no issue with him being conservative. However, I do have issue with him endorsing and supporting thugs and rioters that fit his agenda for recognition by attacking the Capital Building.
Senator Hawley Supports Rioters!
Mr. Hawley had the nerve to walk along side Donald Trump’s rioters at the Capital and cheer them on. This can be seen in both photos and videos, which make the case clear. It is not the place for a Senator to side up with any party that uses violence and thuggery to gain control. Taking a walk along with the Trump mob would be clear evidence that you are not walking with law abiding citizens.
Senator Haley is corrupt and needs to resign from his office and never serve in public office for the rest of his life. Because people have died at the hands by thugs that he as endorsed, and this will go down in history. His contribution of the betterment of Democracy is a sham, and he needs to own up to it.

As a Senator, Mr. Hawley should know that Mike Pence is no authority over the vote other than to count them. He possess no right to overturn, or invalidate the count whatsoever. The Constitution clearly states that it is his task to merely count the votes. How is it that a graduate of Yale Law School doesn’t know any better? A High School Civics student know that the President of the Senate only can count the votes, and nothing else.
Because Mr. Hawley is a Senator does not give him the right to steer people on, especially in his desired direction. Josh Hawley is nothing but a pawn of the evil monster Donald Trump. Josh, like a fool, has become just another mouth piece, cannon fodder, for Donald Trump. Senator Hawley is a loser. Senator Josh Hawley Supports Capital Rioters! is a drawing that shows the world what he really is ~ a traitor! As an artist, I have made my line work clear so that you under stand the image.
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Senator Josh Hawley pen & ink drawing raising fist.

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