Sean Pocewicz #346A bar scene pencil drawing by artist Stephen F. Condren, of Condren Galleries, with LGBTQ endorsed gay prints, and scans. Prints & Scans Of This Drawing #346A ~ Order Here.
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Sean Pocewicz Pencil Drawing
Bar Scene Stylus Sketch
This is a pencil portrait that I did o f Sean Pocewicz while at Hunter’s Night Club, because we were sitting and having a drink together. We were under the lights near back court yard, because this was an outside venue. As you can see from the drawing there is a lot of light coming in from above, because Sean was seated right below the light fixture.
Pencil Rendering
This drawing was done live, right on the spot, because I was sitting with Sean in person. I drew the portrait with quickness, and accuracy, because I was collected. When I am collected I can do anything, because my mind is in focus. All in all the portrait took me about 10 minutes to draw. I like the contrasting light and dark in the drawing, because it gives added strength to the image. If you look carefully, you can see the preliminary sketch under the darker leads.
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Sean Pocewicz #346A pencil portrait with it’s high contract shading and contour lines.
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