Male figure drawing #312A of nude man seated on his haunches with his hands covering his loins, and the prints are matted 11″ x 14″.
Male figure drawing , or naked man, is a figure drawing, by artist Stephen Condren, BFA, SAIC, of Condren Galleries.

Male Figure Drawing
This fine drawing is of a good looking young man, crouched down looking straight at you, because he is showing off his beautiful form. He is naked and posed in such a manner as not to expose his loins. My reasoning for his is that the loins are not to be see, because that have no structure.
Pencil Drawing
In the drawing of the naked youth, I have used a soft 6B lead, because I wanted a darker line weight. The softer the lead the looser the line, because it is not firm.
Alt Image Tag
Male figure drawing #312A of nude man seated on his haunches with his hands covering his loins, and hatched lines.
Stephen F. Condren ~ Artist
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